Why Did They Ever Get Back Together? Reasons For Getting Back With An Ex That'll Make You Wonder

These are all legitimate questions that some people have about reconciliation with their exes. Breakup and a terrible partner can be a pain in our heart, and most of us avoid bumping into them ever again in the future. But in some cases people do break up and then get back together again.

How many times you have thought of going back to your ex? If yes, you need to read the reasons behind why people get back to their past partners. 

1. When you're jealous

If you have the propensity to feel jealous then you still have feelings for him.

2. Ah, for the physically minded.

Some women give a lot of importance to the level of satisfaction in the physical side of things and we don't blame them. Each to their own we say.

3. The love for a dog

Huh, this one was surprising. Could it be that the love for a pet is so strong that it brings two estranged people back together again?

4. Someone with low self esteem, this one

Now this is pathetic and sad. A person can feel lonely but to trap oneself in a bad relationship because they are afraid to be alone with themselves, now that truly is sad.

5. Another pathetic one, only the otherway around

Same as above dude. If you don't have feelings for someone then don't string them along. For all you know they think the world of you and will be hurt tremendously when you leave again.

6. Love get's better

Sometimes your gut instinct just knows better than you. This is probably one of those situations.

7. Unresolved issues and the psychology of a submissive personality

Some people get used to being a certain type of person, who treats them in a certain type of way. It is a morbid cycle that they find difficult to break and even if they do, they go back to it.

8. Happens more often than not

Yeah, this one is very difficult to live with. when you are blackmailed back into a relationship by using the one thing that they can hold over you. Your unconditional and undying love for your child. The people who do this though are the lowest scum on this planet.

9. Why is 'alone' such a fear factor?

You are born alone, and you die alone. And yet people are willing to live with such a lot of nonsense, just because they are afraid to be alone.

10. Out of the goodness of your heart

If you notice a person displaying depressive behaviour and you are a trained psychiatrist then this kind of makes sense. Otherwise, what can you possibly hope to do? How do you know your actions won't throw him into further depression or that you aren't the cause of it? The right thing to do would be to get your 'friend' help of the professional kind.

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