Why the Billie Eilish Song for the New Bond Film Got Such Strong Reactions

For a while they told us there would be a Female Bond and then explained that that wasn’t exactly what they meant to say. The newly-released trailer for No Time to Die seems to promise what most James Bond films do: suave spies, slick action, stunning locales, beautiful women, smart gadgets. What the film also has is a song by young barely-18 Billie Eilish. Needless to say, reactions were strong.

Billie Eilish - No Time To Die

With two teenage girls at home, I am well acquainted (if not too enthused) with Billy Eilish’s whispery, breathy, crooning voice and languid musical style. This song is certainly a Billie Eilish song. It is also a fairly typical James Bond track.

It is a big deal

She only just turned 18 in December 2019. She is a force to reckon with – a prodigious talent, hugely popular and an interesting personality as well.

The youngest

Doing a Bond song is prestigious. The likes of Adele; legends like Madonna and Paul McCartney have done it before.

Instantly trending

The audio version of the video has well over 22 million views right now. Other video versions of the video add up to a lot of views.

Take that!

Fans feel that the Bond song vindicates Billie Eilish’s talent – that her new song proves that she doesn’t just whisper.


Those who love Billie Eilish had this – or similarly strong positive reactions to the song.

Loving it

A lot of them were like this.

Some changed their minds

Those who disapproved of someone like Eilish doing a Bond song changed their minds – when they heard the song.

Drawing parallels

The early super success Eilish has enjoyed caused a lot of people to draw parallels between her and other such phenomenal successes: Taylor Swift and Justin Beiber.

Of course there was criticism

There are those who insist that it’s all whispering; precious little singing. This commentator has an even ruder opinion.


Her languid singing style happens to irritate a lot of people.


Some pointed out that it technology such as Auto-Tune software can make people sound a lot better than they may actually be.

No Time to Die trailer

Clearly people have divergent views of the Billie Eilish song for No Time to Die. Doubtless, the movie will also prompt varied opinions when it releases on 20th April 2020. Meanwhile, watch the trailer of the latest 007 movie if you haven’t already.

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