When it comes to the latest trend of slang words, the Urban Dictionary is the holy bible for slang made by the people and for the people. It is creating a buzz among the youth, for example, the words like cabbage ass are not the part of Oxford dictionary but urban dictionary have the collection of some ridiculous and insane terms you’ve ever heard. Let’s have a look at some of the funniest definitions:
- Pope

Yo Pope, Wassup!
“A holy dude with a cool hat and bullet proof golf cart”. I like the pope , the pope who smoke dope .
- Friend zone

The worst zone in world
“The worse place a man can be unless
- He is gay
- The girl is ugly
3. Alcohol

Thank you, Alcohol!
“The antidote to reality.” Reality is for people that can’t handle drugs and alcohol .
4. Fucking

Change your one track mind
“A town located in Austria”. I’m serious, Fucking is really a town. I travel to Fucking every day of the week.
- Love

;Oh it’s love
“Nature’s way of tricking people into reproduction “.
- Bae

Dear Bae, why you so confusing?
“Bæ/bae is a Danish word for poop. Also used by people on the internet who think it means baby, sweetie etc.” And I really hate those words because of unknown reasons.
- Porn

Yes. It is what you think.
“The reason you need a new hard drive”. Well, every month to be honest, don’t you?

Only for the one with a uterus
“A powerful spell that women are put under about once every month, which gives them the strength of an ox, the stability of a Window’s OS, and the scream of a banshee. Basically, man’s worst nightmare.”

Thug Life bro
‘Carpe dieme’ for the intellectually challenged.
- Facebook necrologist

Yeah exactly
“A person who never misses a chance to post ‘R.I.P insert name’ status update on Facebook as soon as celebrity dies”
Author Name: Palak Bhardwaj