From emergencies to exigencies, anything could happen and you could be forced to cancel your holiday/travel plans. When this happens not only are your plans reduced to rubble but you are also left out of pocket because you end up paying heavy cancellation fees for most hotel bookings. The exception of course is if you’ve made the booking using MakeMyTrip. Staying true to their #BefikarBookKar campaign, they are differentiating themselves from the competition by providing the option to cancel without any charge or penalty.
Let’s take a look at some of the funniest reasons people have given to cancel their hotel bookings.
Runaway bride
Was going to attend a family wedding but came to know the bride called it off, as she wanted to be with her boyfriend.
Ate some chaat, had some juice and now have food poisoning. Can’t even think of travelling like this.
Home alone
You just realised everyone in the house is out during that week and you could potentially have the place to yourself and you don’t have to spend any money either. Some much need me time or maybe even party time.
Leaves got cancelled
You did everything right. Requested leave months in advance. But at the last moment your boss decides, that you absolutely have to be available for a client meet scheduled, during that one week.
Friends backed out
This plan only works if you are going in a group. So when your friends leave you stranded, there isn’t much you can do but cancel the bookings.
Mother nature strikes
Man proposes, nature disposes. When cows fly, it is best for you to stay grounded.
Sudden breakup
The trip was supposed to be a romantic getaway for you both, but just two days before you get dumped.
Parents-in-law arrive suddenly
When they inform you that they are coming it is difficult. But when they just show up you have no choice but to cancel any plans you may have had.
Called into the Principal’s office
You’re packing when you find a letter in your son’s school bag ordering you to meet the Principal, and it sounds ominous.
Chai pe bulaya hai
When your girlfriend’s Brigadier father decides to finally meet you that very same weekend.
The summer holiday season is coming up and you are probably making plans already. Do consider all contingencies before you decide where to go, how to go, where to stay and most importantly, how to #BefikarBookKar your hotels.
Author: Tora Sen
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