Indian TV Soaps are so bad that they can officially be used as a form of torture by the authorities to get information from prisoners. From the illogical storylines and ZERO character development to horrendous VFX and blatant sexist stereotypes, Indian TV Soaps never cease to impress (read: amuse) us. Here are 6 reasons that further illustrate why the Indian TV Industry is in dire need of a revolution.
They promote/encourage sexist stereotypes

The Ideal Indian ‘Bahu’
Indian daily soaps that show a working woman who is independent and career orientated are such a rarity that they are at a bigger risk of extinction than the Bengal Tiger. *Barf*
Those never ending action replays

Action Replay!
In the world of Indian TV Soaps, the word ‘subtlety’ does not exist. Every bold statement, unusual behaviour or shocking revelation has to be met with at least 5 action replays, from all possible angles, for all possible characters!
Next level VFX

Game changing visual effects
The visual effects in Indian TV Soaps are so bad they’re actually good. If nothing else, we certainly are thankful to them for making these shows unintentionally hilarious.
Superstitions galore

Naagin in the house!
Superstitions are to Indian TV Soaps what, well, excessive jewellery is to female characters in Indian TV Soaps. From not eating food on a specific day and wearing a certain colour on another, to carrying some magical ring or pendant that will protect against all evil (Read: Nagins), there really is no limit.
Never ending joint families

Never ending families
Seeing as many people in one room as you’d normally see in a mall? That’s a sign you’re watching an Indian TV soap.
Society rules all

Log Kya Kahenge?
Any action that anyone does, no matter its consequences on the character or its family, will always be judged by how society would react to it. So much for independent thinking.
Author Name: Aayaan Upadhyaya