If you have trouble getting to sleep or have a problem remaining asleep to get a restful night’s rest, then you know how one can wake up tired, listless and feeling out of sorts. Here are some tips that could help you overcome your insomnia and get a good night’s sleep:

Create a routine

daily rountine



If the old adage early to bed and early to rise is difficult for you to emulate, make it a little later to bed and a little later to rise. The important thing is to create a routine where you go to bed and rise at about the same time each day.

Exercise regularly




There is a lot of evidence to suggest that exercise promotes restful sleep. However, experts warn that the exercise timings should not be done too close to bed times.

Prioritise sleep




Understand that sleep is very important and restful sleep has far-reaching consequences for your health and wellbeing. So you want to finish that book or watch that late night movie or surf the net? Consider whether you can do this and still get a good night’s sleep… will you have a problem getting to sleep and will you have enough sleep?

Count sheep




Well, not literally but experts say that it is important to learn some relaxation techniques or engage in some calming acticities preceding bedtimes. Have a bath, meditate or do something that relaxes you and try not to dwell on thoughts that cause anxiety and worry.

Create a restful environment




Dim the lights, ensure that it’s not noisy where and when you sleep, ensure that your bed is comfortable and that the temperature in your room is at a comfortable level to promote sleep. Check to see whether you sleep better with some amount of white (constant but not disturbing) noise or whether its complete silence that aids sleep.

Don’t worry about sleep




Don’t lie in bed and keep checking your watch/phone to see how long you have not slept. Worrying about sleeplessness, calculating how much sleep you’re getting or not getting is futile, makes you anxious and pushes sleep further away.

Cut down on alcohol on caffeine




Coffee and alcohol can also ruin your sleep close to bed time, as can other caffeinated and even some sports drinks.

Don’t eat close to bedtime




A full stomach can make you uncomfortable and prevent you from sleeping properly. Apparently it can also make you gain weight if that first argument didn’t convince you.