So why do you use Facebook? Are you looking to stay in touch? Or do you use it as a platform that panders to your extreme narcissism? Depending on why you use Facebook here are some types of ‘friends’ on Facebook you should consider ‘unfriending’.
1. The Selfie King / Queen
Look, there’s nothing wrong with the occasional selfie. But if you’ve got someone posting album after album of near-identical glamour shots, it may be time to casually hit the ‘Unfriend’ button.
2. The friend who makes you feel poor
I’m not saying a disparity between income is a reason to stop hanging out with someone, but if it’s getting to the point where they keep making plans for the weekend on Facebook and it always involves high-end pubs you should unfriend them and say, “Really? I didn’t see your post!”.
3. The over sharer
7.12AM: “Good morning Facebook :)”
7.33AM: “French toast or parantha for brekkie? lol can’t decide…’
7.51AM: “I think I’m gonna be late for the metro…”
8.16AM: “OMFG missed my usual metro, had too many paranthas and couldn’t run properly!”
8.17AM: Waiting for the next metro selfie
8.22AM: Still waiting for the next metro selfie
8:27AM: The metro station is getting crowded selfie
8:31AM: Finally on the overcrowded metro selfie
4. The friend who persuades you to do something you normally wouldn’t
First a photo from a time when you used to do crazy things with them, followed by a post, “what happened to us dude?”, which immediately triggers the need to go out and do something out of character. If you follow through on this urge you invariably regret it. So don’t see their posts. Simple!
5. Your EX
Seriously! If you’re done, you’re done. Trying to one-up someone on Facebook can’t work because they’re doing the same and isn’t really noticing. So unfriend the person and live your life on social network free of residual angst.
6. Your Parents
Do you need an explanation?
7. Candy Crush Lover
Yup, there are still some people playing this game and they continue to send request for lives. The best thing to do is to unfriend them.
Author’s Name: Pulkit Kalra