John Gray wrote a book, “Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus” and it resonated with everyone. But then women probably knew that there was no way to sustain life on the Red Planet. We hear guys moaning a lot about how they get the short end of the stick and no one listens to their perspective. So we’re going publish from their point of view today. These are the differences that men see between themselves and women.
Getting dressed to go out is a project in itself.
No matter how early women wake up or how fast they try to get ready, they always end up getting late! And for men, well, it’s quicker!
Attention? Well, they get too much of it just for being women.
When a woman logs on to Facebook, she will have messages to read, friendship requests and numerous notifications to go through! And when a man logs in, he just has news feeds to worry about! That’s not fair now, or is it?
It’s not attention to detail, because it’s called OCD.
If getting dressed for dinner is a project, then can you imagine what happens when they are planning a trip or then packing for it. Sheesh! It goes on forever and appears more stressful than a day at the office.
Taking exclusivity a bit too far
Whether it’s the clothes they buy or the men they are with, it is always so important that they have exclusive rights. Well OK the exclusive relationship thing is understandable, but the clothes? Two women wearing the same outfit doesn’t mean WW3, right? When two men, wearing the same t-shirt meet, they treat each other like long lost brothers.
There you go ladies! That’s how men really feel and they cannot find any similarities between you and them. Who cares though, right?
Author: Aayushi Jain