The Famous Kanye West Tattoo Fail and Other Tattoos Gone Hilariously Wrong

So Kanye West is back on Twitter (Hooray! Or Ho Hum, depending upon your point of view). He took the time to share some pictures, personal moments and nuggets of wisdom - Sometimes you have to get rid of everything said one tweet. Distraction is the enemy of vision said another. Yes, yes, very profound. He also shared big news! Of a probable new neck tattoo. O joy!

He tweeted this

He asked a friend to design a tattoo for him that spelt out the name of his son- Saint West. He also tweeted another possible design of the word SAINT.

NOT impressed

The tweeple were however, less than impressed with the design of the proposed ‘neck tat’.


The friend is not much of a designer, as it turns out. As this tweet pointed out, it is simple enough to go on to and use the font ‘art dystopia’ to create this. A matter of a few moments; and very little artistic ability!

Because tattoos fail!

As one tweet pointed out, West would probably regret ragret it. clearly this guy lived to regret that he didn’t spell check his tattoo design.

Because tattoos do go wrong

Not sure what this guy was aiming for – ‘I'm handsome’ or ‘I'm awesome’ or something completely different? From this angle, one cannot really comment on the accuracy of the first claim. As for the second claim, if one cannot spell awesome, one isn’t very awesome.

Aiming for wisdom

Clearly every saint has a ‘past’, not a ‘pass’. If one is aiming to appear all wise, failing to proof read something that marks you for life doesn’t quite do it.


They say nothing in life is permanent; certainly not the names of girlfriends. Maybe he's just fickle, maybe she changed her mind or maybe he just got her name wrong.

When the tattoo artist wasn’t a rocker

It should have been ‘it’s my life’ – Jon Bon Jovi said so (not Jon Bovi). So did a few others. But this tattoo artist wasn’t sufficiently clued in on rock song lyrics or rock artistes…or basic grammar it would seem.


Do they mean always give up? Because double negatives make a positive don’t they!

One, two, three, four!

Call me a grammar Nazi; I can forgive one but not four errors! You're instead of your, dicisions instead of decisions, and four instead of for. And an unnecessary comma! Sigh!

Poor Marilyn Monroe

She died young and beautiful but this one probably made her turn in her grave!

Plan ahead?

Oh, the irony of this one!

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