We all grew up eating India’s beloved biscuit, Parle G (apparently some such as Ramawwa from Karnataka have eaten only Parle G their entire life). It is an icon and one of the most recognizable of Indian brands. It is also the largest selling biscuit in the world! Here are some facts and funnies you will enjoy about Parle G:
Not only is Parle G the largest selling biscuit in the world, in India it remains the unbeatable accompaniment at tea time. It was launched in 1939 and is now an over 75 year-old-brand. In 2013, Parle G became the first Indian fast moving consumer goods brand to sell products worth over Rs 5,000-crore in a year.
No one! Parle G’s packaging has remained largely unchanged over the years and has featured the same cute little chubby kid. No she is not Neeru Deshpande, Gunjan Gundanyia or Sudha Murthy.
The kid on the packet is an illustration created during the 1960’s and isn’t even an actual person.
If you line up all the Parle G biscuits consumed each year, you can circle the earth 192 times. That is a lot of biscuit!
Parle G has remained the same over the years. It has the same look, taste, feel and assurance that everyone's fave infant food and childhood snack is always easily available no matter where in India you are!
Tea times and Parle G are inseparable. In millions of Indian homes and chai ki dukaans, Parle G is an essential requirement with a cup/ glass of tea.
… there has to be mention of Alok Nath, because, you know its about Indian Sanskar and Sanskari Babu!
Start eating Parle G and before you know it, the packet contains nothing but a few crumbs!
Parle G remains cheap and easily available and enjoyable. While other products may be called cookies, sweet crackers, wafers or rusk, slap on fancy packaging and fancier prices this brand has remained comfortingly unchanged.
Shaktiman’s association with the brand and the G mane Genius marketing campaign stuck in the mind.
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