This Twitter User Wants To Go Off Social Media – What Then? People Reacted

We watch a documentary like Social Dilemma and we read about Cambridge Analytica and the dangers of social media and we think about going off social media. Most of us want to do it at some point; most of us merely think about it. This Twitter user also wanted to delete all their social media apps. This started a conversation

What am I gonna do?

Go for a walk? This guy wants to delete all his social media but then he’s wondering what he is going to do – go for a walk? Clearly that is not something he wants to do.

Why not

The original tweet seems to have a low opinion of walking, but many appreciate a good walk in the sun, with their own thoughts, some good music; doing some people-watching.

So what happened?

So basically this guy wanted to go off social media – but the only place to express that thought was also on social media.

People were encouraging

They shared their experiences of going off social media – a sort of detox that helped them appreciate and love themselves more.

It is difficult

Some have tried to go off social media – and failed. Because boredom.

What does one do?

If one goes off social media, what does one do? Read a book? How crazy would that be!

Peace of mind

While going off social media can mean that it is difficult to keep in touch with people, it can mean peace of mind.

No friends IRL

No friends in real life. This is sad and also a little pathetic.


A lot of people recommend going off social media; at least for a limited period. Many did this and then got back on when the pandemic started and lockdowns prevented in-person contact.

Less drama

There is a lot of passive-aggressive stuff that goes on, on social media. Some just want less drama in their lives.

Go for a walk. Please

It is easy to get caught up in social media and what is essentially a make-believe world. It is important to get out literally and figuratively – because there is just more to life than that.

More ideas

There are a lot of better, more constructive and healthy ways to spend time than be on social media. People had many suggestions to offer about social media – on social media.

Other suggestions

Less useful ones, but suggestions nonetheless.

Or this

Take up a new hobby suggested several of the tweeple.

Had the same thought

It isn't a new idea; and while it is a good idea the execution is difficult.

Didn’t work for some

This commentator found that it wasn’t social media that was causing their depression and insecurity; that it was in fact a source of entertainment and humour.

Good for mental health?

Research points to the fact that social media does impact mental health negatively and that going off can be good for mental health and wellbeing.

Do it!

Maybe it’s difficult to go off social media completely, but perhaps it is important to limit use and to understand the many pitfalls and how it impacts health.

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