Video of a Fight in UP over Chaat Gives Us a New Meme – Einstein Chacha!

In Baghpat of Uttar Pradesh, there was a disagreement between some chaat stall owners. What ensued was an enthusiastic fight where several men were seen to be beating up each other in hand to hand combat, also using some effective-looking sticks to make their point. The video of the fight went wildly viral. In particular, the #Chacha (uncle) in a green kurta with bizarre orange hair caught people’s fancy. The tweeple decided he was Einstein Uncle and soon, Chacha was trending.

This happened

A brawl over chaat became the Battle of Baghpat and the guy in the green kurta became a legend.


He obviously has the moves; not one to back down from a fight.

This guy

He seemed to give as good as he got in that skirmish, black eye notwithstanding.

New meme

Chacha’s fighting ability impressed a lot of people; soon he found his face in supplanted over the faces of WWE personalities.

Bring it!

People were impressed – seen here is the Rock, with chacha’s face superimposed on his.

The meme

The takedown, that hair and the fact that they all landed up in jail – great grist for the meme mill!

Chaat Olympics

People had a lot to say about the battle over chaat.

This other chacha

Many of the tweeple were reminded of another #Chacha; this one from the series Mirzapur.

That hair!

The peculiar two-tone hair caught people’s attention as much as chacha’s fighting ability.


…This hair!

Same energy

People didn’t miss the black-eye chacha sustained either.

Chacha is now a star

This obscure man from Baraut in Baghpat is now a bona fide Indian meme-star.

Thanks to the meme-makers

The hair, the green kurta and that face are now famous all over the county.

Many uncles

There have been other uncles before – with just the right face and hair for such timeless memes.

So many memes

Meme-makers were most amused by the chain of events of a fight after which everyone ended up in lockup.

Chacha and Einstein

This tweet expresses the angst of kids having to take offline exams after a year of online classes.

The legend

The #Chacha!

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