Who Is Shweta and Why Is She Breaking the Internet?

You know how a lot of things go so very, very wrong in the unreal world of virtual and online interactions? People have been inadvertently caught inappropriately dressed while in a formal meeting, revealed embarrassing things and done things others were never, ever meant to see or hear. The story of Shweta is one such – it is a story that quickly made its way into the world of memes.

The Shweta Saga

In this now-viral video, someone called Shweta is in full flow – revealing intimate details of some guy and some girl to some other girl… or so she thought.

Shweta spilling the beans…

She is telling the story of someone else ---  some rather salacious details of someone else’s relationship in graphic detail.

“Shweta switch off the mic”

She cannot hear all the others on the call telling her to switch off her mic.


In the end, some guy says the ‘secret’ is now known to 111 people.

Poor Shweta

Most people indulge in such gossip --- Shweta just got found out.

Trouble for Shweta

It is likely that Shweta suffered some dire consequences due to her carelessness.


Soon Shweta was a trending hashtag – poor Pandit!


People have been tweeting about Shweta and her mic for two days now.

Pretty much

Not only did Shweta tell the story to 111 others, the tweeple told it to everyone else too.

Poor guy

People had some sympathy for the guy Shweta was talking about.

People are now curious – who’s the #Pandit Shweta is talking about?

Major regret

The guy had to have regretted his tell-all conversation with Shweta – majorly!

Or this

He must be really angry, it’s safe to assume.

‘Mass communication’

It may be inadvertent, but it is ‘mass communication’ nevertheless.

Its gossip

They were telling her to switch off her mic, but they were still listening.


People love gossip – the more salacious the better.


This is something to think about isn't it – what was the teacher doing all the while and why did they not intervene?

The journey…

…Of a secret.

This is everyone now

People are double checking their mics – they don’t want to take any risks.

Next step

Maybe we will have a remix of this now? Like ‘pawri’ and ‘rasode mein kaun tha’?


A lot of people are really interested in the story, and want to know what happened next in the #Shweta saga.

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