The 20s are a time for self-discovery and one is forgiven for making certain mistakes and some U-turns; wasting some time in life. However, by the time one is in the 30s one is expected to be responsible, well settled, somewhat successful and at least a little clueful about life in general. So if you're at that stage in life, some of these 30s memes will resonate:
You know now the millennials were the hip, young, cool, tech-savvy, generation? Well, they are now in their 30s and the view from there is a little different --- because Gen Z!
It was OK to dream big dreams in your 20s. The 30s are a time when you're supposed to have things sorted out – no time to dream.
Remember how you could drink yourself silly and feel perfectly human the next day? And can you recall how you could party till the wee hours and emerge refreshed after an hour and a half of sleep? That changed!
The dating pool is a lot smaller. So many friends have paired up and are now living lives of cozy connubial bliss that you feel positively left out.
Now you have to make more effort, the pickings are lean, the expectations are high and there is always the biological clock ticking in the background.
You want others to have the benefit of your life experience – and you come perilously close to becoming that advice-giving uncle you used to avoid like the plague.
Or maybe they turned out exactly how you imagined them. Maybe you didn’t end up where you thought you’d be – financially, relationship-wise, professionally…Or maybe you got lucky and you did a whole lot better than your parents.
Suddenly you have blood pressure! And apparently, a mild flu infection has the power to completely knock you out. You don’t seem to be able to fly up the stairs like you used to.
You now feel like a geriatric when you go clubbing – everyone else looks like they're just out of diapers. You don’t really understand the lingo kids are using and when you roll your eyes when they're talking TikTok!
Maybe you imagined your 30s one way and things turned out a whole other way. Which is fine, but baldness! Surely you're too young for that! And crows’ feet. And high blood sugar? When did that happen?
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