Happy Women's Day all! If you question the need for such an observance at all, do remember that dowry is still a reality, the male child is still preferred while sex selective abortions are widespread; the discrimination against our gender starts before birth, continues through life, matrimony and persists in widowhood. Women are still overwhelmingly the target of sexual abuse. The discrimination exists and flourishes regardless of economic and social standing: if in poorer households it takes the form of better nourishment for the male child, in rich households it is in the guise of unfair property divisions. Cutting short my litany of woes, I would urge women (and men) to pay heed to some or all of these mantras this Women's Day:
It’s OK to love yourself, prioritize yourself and to put yourself first sometimes. Though women are brought up to believe that sacrifice is the ultimate virtue and that self love is evil, this is a lesson worth unlearning.
Make no mistake – men are still very much the privileged gender; don’t buy into the fake narrative of male victimhood. While there is no need for women to play the victim card themselves, never let anyone tell you that there are things that women cannot do; never let them disparage you, your abilities or your beliefs.
And feminism is not a bad word. Remember, being a feminist is not about hating men; it’s just about loving yourself enough to ask for equality. And yes, men can be feminists too – if they are evolved enough.
Read for knowledge, read for entertainment, read to improve and to broaden your mind and that of your family; particularly kids. Practically all reading has some value.
It’s OK to have ambition, to work towards fulfilling one's own dreams. Remember there is a reason why flight safety instructions tell us to put on our oxygen masks before helping others – you can help others only if you're equipped to help yourself first.
It’s important for women to speak up not only for themselves but also for other women who may be oppressed or unjustly treated. We simply have to support each other if we are to smash the patriarchy.
Whatever we may have been brought up to believe, being female doesn’t mean being submissive, quiet, acquiescent, delicate or dainty. Femininity is about strength – mental, emotional and yes, physical. Be strong, inculcate strength!
Yes men should cook and yes women should lift weights. There is no man’s work and there is no women’s work. It’s OK to question tradition. Just because something has been the norm for years doesn’t necessarily make it right or relevant for the times we live in.
Don’t let anyone tell you you're too dark, too short, too tall, too fat… too anything. We are all meant to be different and beauty comes in all sizes, shapes and colours. Reject views that make you feel inadequate or diminished in any way.
Trust in your abilities and trust your instincts. Many of us were told what we can and cannot do while growing up. But you're capable of so much; there is so much you can do! Don’t let anyone tell you that you shouldn’t try!
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