Marriage is tricky. If you’re lucky you can get it so, so right! But if you’re not, well your best hope would be to part amicably. If several years into a relationship, you continue to see certain traits in him, you know you’re on to become a winner and a keeper! These are some of the signs that suggest that you did marry the right man indeed:
1. He is still your friend

Best Friends for Life
If you are married to a man you consider one of your best friends, you are one lucky woman! Hold on to him with all that you have.
2. You still like him

Genuine Liking for Each Other
In a lifelong relationship, liking is probably even more important than loving! If you’re happy to see his face first thing in the morning and are glad to fall asleep next to him each night, know that this is a relationship to cherish.
3. He gives you your space

Respects Your ‘Me’ Time
You still need your ‘me’ time – it could be coffee with a friend, a girls’ night out or simply a few hours not having to take care of the 100 things that need doing in the house and for the kids. If he ‘gets’ this, hold on to this guy – very lovingly.
4. He knows exactly when and how to be understanding

Knowing when to stay away
We all get unreasonable at times. Call it hormones; call it a change in the weather. If he is sufficiently clued in, he’ll know when to steer clear of the volcano looking to blow.
5. He agrees that there is nothing that’s a ‘woman’s job’

Sharing responsibilities
Men who are secure in their manhood would have no problem doing household chores. Men who have no problems with a woman in the driver’s seat half the time (literally and figuratively) are a treasure!
6. He still makes the earth move for you

Makes the heart pound
Does he still make your breath catch and your heart race? A lover and a friend? You lucky, lucky girl!
7. Just cuddling is still simply wonderful

Peace is in his arms
Simple affection: a shared laugh, holding hands as you walk, curling up together to watch a movie… these are the little moments that make up a great relationship. Value them.
8. Making up is fun!

Can’t wait to make up
What fun is life without any arguments? Since disagreements are inevitable, learning to be mature about them should be too. If you have a don’t-go-to-sleep-angry-with-each-other pact, most of the strife of married life can be taken care of.
9. You both have the same convictions

Same beliefs
If you share values such as integrity and loyalty, you likely have the same longstanding goals in life. Many of the stumbling blocks of married life get nullified right there!
10. You are No. 1 for him

Always first before all else
While being considerate of the rest of the family, you still matter the most to him.