There is the baby boomer generation (so called because of the post World War II baby boom) that was characterized by their affluence, enthusiasm, longevity and fitness levels. Then there is Generation X: the demographic also known as the latchkey kids; a generation born at a time of shifting societal values. Then there is Generation Y; also known as the Millennials – those of us who were born in the 80s and 90s. The Millennials are generally thought to have certain characteristics. If you're a millennial or close to one; you will probably relate to these:
Previous generations were scared of technology, while millennials grew up with technology. Operating computers and then more sophisticated digital devices simply came naturally to them; as a result they cannot seem to manage without technology now.
This time magazine cover speaks about millennials; widely seen as generation of self absorbed people with very sheltered upbringings. However, millennials are more concerned about communities –global and local – and are more civic minded and team oriented than previous generations. Probably why Time thought millennial would save us all!
They say ‘bro’ which we think is short from brother, but which actually means someone who has sex on the mind all the time. They say chillax, adulting (having grown up responsibilities) and various other words that others don’t! When they say ‘sick’ it means the opposite of what you think it does.
Apparently 'totally' is no longer cool; it becomes ‘Totes Magotes’. This is the generation that made on demand TV viewing the ultimate leisure activity – apparently they simply love Netflix and Chill. A wee bit sad? I think so.
There is also the rather convoluted – sorry but not sorry – a phrase meant to convey an emotion similar to I don’t give a rat’s ass… but politely. See millennials are confident and high achieving; they rarely think they're wrong or see any real reason to apologise!
They are online a lot and are rather prone to taking offence. Previous generations would have been told to grow a pair. Oh wait! Previous generations do tell millennials to do just this!
Bosses apparently need special skills to deal with millennial employees. Millennials could hit a mid quarter life crisis by the time they are in their 20s…well because everyone has the right to be temperamental!
This is a charge people often level against millennials – they are vain and conceited and narcissistic. But then you see, self love is healthy! Isn’t it??
The other generations have a message for millennials who think the world somehow owes them a living: Er… no it doesn’t!
Yes, you! Millennial! what doesn’t kill you will make you stronger! Don’t expect praise every time you do something right – you're supposed to do it right! Also, the world isn’t fair, get over it!
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