Just few days back we shared ‘Your love story in 6 words’ and it definitely pulled at your heartstrings. But what about pain? Can you really express the deep heart stabbing emotion that is generally expressed as ‘I am hurt’. Perhaps not, but once more few words close the chapter very appropriately. Here’re those broken pieces summed beautifully.
1. For sale : baby shoes, never used
A mother, her dreams and her love for unborn child, all lost in a moment and summed up here. Can we say anything more than this?
2. Don’t cry – your tears will freeze
Tears come when the pain is new and hopefully it goes away. But what when you know, it is here to stay. Time comes to a standstill and tears refuse to come.
3. “Wrong number,” says a familiar voice
I have been through such situation when a person who knew me better than anyone else, became a stranger one day.
4. Met my soulmate. At her wedding
There can be no worse feeling than meeting the one who is made for you on her wedding. Perhaps, it’s a bit too late.
5. Painfully, he changed “is” to “was.”
Because good thing always tends to become your past and everything changes from “is” to “was”.
6. I beat cancer one last time
One of the most painful battles and no matter how many times you beat it, cancer returned until you closed your eyes and said goodbye forever.
7. Unwanted boy grows into wanted man.
Rejected by the society, hurt by family turns them into men who one day hurt you.
8. The smallest coffins are the heaviest
Untimely death of those little souls who were supposed to be laughing and running around are the heaviest weight for anyone.
9. Alzheimer’s Advantage: new friends every day!
Yes, you can’t recognize your daughter or son but then you get to meet fresh faces everyday.
10. Brought roses home. Keys didn’t fit
Sometimes a fight looks temporary but the pain is not. Never let the silence between two become the lock you can never open.
Author: Rima Chowdhury