Remember who we were cribbing about the awfulness of 2020 – and then 2021 happened? Which was so much more awful? Well, this bizarre video clip from a series about a woman somehow self-strangulating upon a random curtain actually illustrates how we were still processing 2020 and are now being thrust into 2022. And the memes explain how 2021 was so much worse than 2020.
We were just processing 2020 and now we have to be ready to face 2022 – rather like the older woman slapping the younger one who goes and manages to strangulate herself in a completely inexplicable fashion.
We thought that 2020 was terrible because of the poorly planned, sudden lockdown that resulted in so much misery – little did we know about 2021…
…Only worse. We thought things were bad – until the brutal second wave devastated families, snatched lives and made us all contemplate our own mortality.
…Versus reality. We thought we would travel and get back to ‘normal life’ – the pandemic had other plans.
We all lost a loved one or someone we knew. What we feared in 2020 actually came true – horrifyingly true – in 2021.
People were hopeful at the end of 2020 – but the pandemic had not yet spent its fury. It gave us the devastating Delta variant.
Every now and again, some cult or religious denomination comes up with some doomsday prediction. The world will end on some precise day, it is predicted. The day comes and goes will all of us stubbornly alive. But maybe they got the date wrong, some wondered.
The COVID 19 pandemic mutated and we had the Delta variant. Now we have the Omicron variant --- new management, basically.
2020 was bad, 2021 was worse. Will 2022 be even worse? Some of us are like – bring it on 2022.
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