Relationships are curvy, twisty and super complicated. If you had thought of it any other way, then you are so very wrong. But we all live through it. The art is to make it smooth, delightful and happy. But dear friend, there are no shortcuts here. And the worst hits you, when you have a fight. From a small argument, it takes a shape of its own and you really say, ‘where did it come from?’ If you are still in a blissful paradise and haven’t faced your first real fight, here’s what you need to know.

Cut it out.

Anger Cut it out.

Your partner can get angry on anything, even on getting late by 15 seconds. Yes, you heard it right, 15 seconds.


Why am I shouting?

When to burst Why am I shouting?

By analyzing the situation and doing some math, you can figure out the right moment to attack and when that moment comes, you’re already a dead meat.


Why the f#*k my tears are not coming out

Crying it out Why the f#*k my tears are not coming out

Now comes the dramatic time. Often it’s a fake cry, but tears are a must. And by any chance if she’s really upset, then this emotional moment makes the situation all the more dangerous.


I will kill you!

The real fight I will kill you!

If weeping doesn’t work, then now it’s the perfect time to burst out all the frustration, which is a call for a fresh fight.


Say it Im cute

Pouting Say it I’m cute

Now the low moment of the argument. So to make your point heard, you play dirty, like acting kiddish. In this situation, pouting usually works.


Maybe its my fault

Silence kills Maybe it’s my fault

The fight is over and now there’s nothing more to say, so there’s no harm to spend some time quiet and think about the things, again.


This was needed

Getting things better This was needed

LASTLY, you decide to end up the fight. You kiss each other and make up, which is the best and also the last stage of fighting, lately.

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Author’s Name: Pranay Gautam