Do You Believe In Alternate Realities? After Reading This You Will

Although the theory of the parallel universe was discovered by famous physicist Stephen Hawking, do you still believe in them? A particular group of parallel universes is called a "multiverse," and the term is often used to represent the possible parallel universes that constitute reality. But again, the possibilities behind the existences of alternate realities may be endless. This time, some Reddit users came together to narrate the real stories which explain the presence of alternate realities.

Me and my nearest neighbors

About 4 years ago, I lived in this fairly small flyspeck of a town. At the time, I had lived there for about 12 years so I knew my way around. Our house was about a mile and a half away from the nearest neighbourhood. Our mom intentionally picked that house due to the lack of neighbours. It was tucked away on a back road, with the woods surrounding it. Every now and again, I liked to take walks with my little brother, who at the time was about 13. We decided to do just that. We headed up the road and decided to try to find a new path or a new clearing that we hadn't discovered yet, when we noticed something a little shocking. Just off the road that led almost directly to the neighborhood, there was a brand new paved road. Every road in that part of town was a gravel road, so seeing an out of place paved road was pretty unusual. We stared at it for a while, and came to the conclusion that it must have been made within the last few days, due to the modern but slow growth of the town. However, we had no explanation for how they did it so fast.
We decided to explore it a bit. I remember as soon as we set foot on the road, the air became notably colder, by at least 5 degrees. The road itself was a black pavement, but no dividing lines. It was surrounded by some thick, red trees that resembled redwoods, but they were too short and non native to our state (southern Arkansas). We walked on the road for about 3 miles until we decided to head back due to it getting dark. When we got off the road, we felt the temperature go back up. My brother and I agreed to explore it the next day.

At roughly noon the following day, we set back out to explore this place, only to discover that the entire road was now missing. When I say missing, I mean the trees that were cleared to make it had apparently grown back, with no sign of the redwood-like trees. We even began to explore the woods once more, but only to find no sign that it ever existed. When we asked our parents about it, they said they knew nothing about any new road work being done near us.
- paddjo95

While visiting grandparents in our car

I've never discussed this with anyone other than my sister and a friend of mine. Around the age of 11 my family decided to go and visit my grandparents and while we were there I decided to go out and play around for a bit (They lived in a flat in the middle of the city) they had a road that had stores and then a car park on the right that had enough space for me to play around with my friends that lived there.

As I got down and ran to that carpark a car went past that nearly crashed into me and in that car there were three passengers, a woman, her daughter and a male driver. as I dodged that car they looked like they had no emotions what so ever and looked really dull and as I focused into the car the male driver was my dad (very easily distinctive.) and the car was our car, same colour, same car plates and the same everything. As I was in there with shock I instantly ran up to our car thinking it was stolen but our car was right there, I turned around to follow the other car and all I know the car was no longer there. Standing there in shock I ran upstairs to my grandparents house without knowing what to do or what to say, luckily my sister was right by the door and I told her the story and what I saw (at this moment of time I didn't mention the part of our car still.) for all I know there is she is laughing at me and she told me that my dad hasn't left the house yet.
Ever since I tried to explain to myself what I saw but I was unable to express what my eyes saw and finding out about this sub reddit today hopefully you guys can help me out.
Quick notes about the passengers and my family, at the time of what happened I was the youngest child of two, my sister was 5 years older than me. When my sister was born she was told that she wasn't going to live past a week and that my mum would never be able to have kids ever again. The passenger was a woman that slightly looked like my mum but I was more shocked about the fact of me seeing my dad with another woman in the car. P.s We're now a family of 6 lol.
- NinexTime

The feeling of Deja Vu

So, I discovered this subreddit yesterday and after reading many stories here, I remembered some weird shit that happened to me a few months ago. When I wake up, the first thing I do is get on my computer and so I did that one morning. I decided I'd check my subscription feed on YouTube and the first video that showed up was just some mundane storytime type of video (Unfortunately, I don't really remember what was it or who the author was anymore). I don't usually watch this type of stuff but for some odd reason I had an urge to click on it see what it was. And so I did. I watched a few seconds of the video unamused and then suddenly I got a HUGE feeling of Deja Vu. I felt like I'd watched the video before.

But the weirdest thing is that I started reciting it. I knew every word said in the video! Why the fuck would I know it? I don't remember things so clearly when I have a Deja Vu. I freaked out because watching this video before was impossible, as it was uploaded 20 minutes before I watched it. I even checked if this was some sort of reupload or remake (?) but it wasn't. I didn't look any further into it at that time because my dad had a car accident just a short while after it happened. I forgot about this incident afterwards. Glitch_in_the_Matrix made me remember. I know it's small and insignificant compared to other stories here but it creeps me the fuck out when I think about it now. I probably have more stories like this but usually I just blame it on my brain for making me see things.
Do you have any clue on what the thing could be?
- Juliakek

The girl who hallucinates

Started around the time I had just gotten into high school, so around the time I was about 12-13 I guess. It was register period, on the first day back after school holidays. Second semester for anyone who is curious. We all wait for our names to be read, and each of us reply. The teacher reads out a name and nobody answers. Out of nowhere, I get this feeling like someone just ripped my stomach out and replaced it with ice cubes. I find it odd, but I can't shake the feeling. Anyway, about 5 minutes later, another new student enters the class, and my jaw almost drops. Except for having read hair, she could've been my twin otherwise. The teacher, sits her near me and I can't stop staring. She notices me, and looks just as astonished. We begin a conversation, but the uneasy feeling stays with me.
About 10 minutes later, the principal walks into the classroom, and I freeze and clutch the desk.... Here it comes. The teacher notices and walks over to the principal, they lean in together and he whispers something to her. She nods and he steps forward facing the class. "I'm sorry class but Miss X (girl not present at register that morning) has passed away over the holidays, she commited suicide". I tuned out the rest of what was said and just started crying uncontrollably, and that set off the rest of the class.
Now... The dreams:
The dreams started after this. I cannot say why, as I don't know. To go into each and every specific dream would be insanity, as it is very detailed. Let's just say when people I have had contact with no matter how briefly in life are about to die, I dream their deaths about 3 days before hand. I will simply state that it is not possible to be mere coincidences, based on how many people's deaths I have dreamt.
The list:
2 Colleagues I have worked with. 3 Grandparents. 1 Great Grandfather. 1 Friends Grandfather. 2 School teachers (murder suicide like my dream). 1 Lady I met briefly for 5 mins one day at work. Atleast 3 friends. All dead within 3 days of my dreams. Make of it what you will....
- Belthazare

The story of doppelganger

I used to work at a dog rescue in the Midwest before moving home to the East Coast. It was a small rescue, about 10 employees max, and we were all tight-knit. Nobody there resembled me. I am exceptionally short and have different hair than anyone there. So, it wasn't easy to mistake someone else for me or vice-versa. This place was also haunted. We all heard a female voice yelling at us or singing near us when we were completely alone. Almost everyone saw apparitions or reflections when nobody was there. So this place was already full of some weird energy to begin with. Then, it got weirder.
During my last couple of months, coworkers started sending me odd texts...they would text me on my days off asking why I was there and where I had just disappeared to. I would always reply that I wasn't there. While I was there, occasionally someone would jump at the sight of me and say something like, "What the hell! You were JUST outside, I saw you through the window!" or "I just saw you in the storage room, how did you get here so fast?" They couldn't understand how I'd gotten from point A to point B impossibly fast. Every time, I would be baffled and explain that I wasn't where they thought I was before. A good example that I remember well was this one: I was in the back yard. The only door in from there goes through the main adoption room, then exits on the other end about 50 feet away into a hallway containing a kitchen and some private meeting rooms. I walked in from outside, and saw my coworker coming into the room from the hallway. She looked at me and gasped, then opened the door behind her to the hallway. She explained that she had just seen me in the kitchen doing dishes, but when she opened the door (which lay about 6 feet beyond the kitchen door), there I was coming in from outside. It was actually impossible. This is when we started to understand that something very strange was going on. We all sat around and talked about it, and it turned out almost everyone was seeing a phantom version of me. Every time they saw it, it was turned around, and didn't interact with them. It would go into some strange places, too. For example, someone watched "me" go into the closet holding the water tank, and followed me, asking some questions about work matters. As soon as they turned into the closet, "I" was gone. I hadn't walked into that closet at all around that time, let alone on that day.
My best guess is that I was in the middle of making a major life decision about either staying in this city at this job, and taking a promotion, or coming back home to the East Coast. The decision was extremely stressful for me to make, as I really loved that job. I'm surmising that my energy literally just split somehow, and that a version of me was hanging around there while I endured so much angst over staying or leaving. If I want to get super weird about it, I could say that maybe in another reality, I decided to stay there, and maybe those two time lines were intersecting and glitching onto one another.
They continued to see "me" after I moved home, thousands of miles away.
- PlzProbeMe

My childhood

Now this happened when I was around 16 years old, I was a fairly normal kid, spent a bit too much time on the computer though so I made a lot of friends with both nerdy kids and popular kids. It all starts when I met this nerdy kid who I'll call Gavin for the sake of the story. Gavin and I started becoming decent friends because of our interest in WoW. Gavin was a really socially awkward guy in real life, although he's a cool dude to talk to online. He's also a genius, who has an IQ of around 180 as far as I remember, I did the same test he did in school I got 103 so it's the real deal.
Gavin and I came to each others houses a lot after we became good friends, we would chill play WoW, watch videos on YouYube, play chess. He was a pretty cool guy and soon enough he was one of my best friends.
One day I decided to come over to his house uninvited, might be a dick move, but I was a teenager at the time and I just thought we we were really good friends so it was cool. So I knocked on his door and this older looking guy opened, around 40. He had a little bit of gray hair and a beard. Now at first I assumed this was Gavin's dad because they look eerly similar, but then I remember that Gavin doesn't have a dad. I then assumed he was a relative.
I asked him if Gavin was home, he laughed and told me that he's Gavin. I found this a bit weird but it could be a coincidence, or Gavin was simply named by his uncle. I told him that I'm looking for a 16 year old Gavin, described him to the guy, and he started looking uneasy, after some hesitation he said Gavin was not home. I asked him when he was going to get home, didn't really go into questioning who he was, and he gave me a time after thinking for a few seconds, so then I came over at the given time and my friend 16 year old Gavin opened the door.
I told him that his relative was there, he told me that he has no relative with the same name as him, and he also told me that he was home at the time I came and met the 40 year old. We both found this extremely weird and our only explanation is Time Travel.
I still keep in touch with Gavin, who happens to be studying quantum mechanics at the time. We still haven't told anyone this story.
- thius_ius

The man who gazed me like a dead

The story from my perspective:
While at a festival, a man walked up to me and stared me dead in the eyes. His irises were so dark that it was impossible for me to distinguish his pupils. He spoke:
"What was that? Do you see it?" I suddenly saw a bright array of colors surrounding him, much like what I'd think to be an aura. "Can you hear it?" The aura faded away, and I heard a bunch of high-pitched harmonic hums, resembling an ensemble of singing bowls. "Perhaps you can smell it." The sound was no longer present, but I smelled an indescribable fragrance. It's a little bit of a stretch to say it resembled lavender. "Or can you taste it?" I experienced a taste in my mouth similar to that of a cough drop. My mind was blown. From what I experienced, this man was playing with my senses, simply by looking at me and speaking. It was as if he had special consciousness-related powers. I asked his name, and he said "I have no name" he walked away, and I never saw him again.
Possible explanations:
Skepticism: It was my third day at the festival. I was sleep-deprived and a little dehydrated, which could have induced a mild delirium. That on top of my active search for anomalous phenomena, I was simply exhibiting a strong form of confirmation bias that altered my perception. Objectively, this man just said a bunch of nonsense that happened to mix strangely with my state of mind at that time. Idealism: My experience was as real as it gets. This man was a guru of some sort, or perhaps an E.T., or maybe a very experienced hypnotist. He uses consciousness as a gateway to a realm of reality unknown to the orthodox perspective. To fully understand what happened, a radical world-view change must come forth.
My conclusion:
The data fits both explanations, so which is the "true" one? I don't know, but I assure you, the raw experience was real. Judging by experience alone, someone was playing with my senses. Discussing whether or not it "actually" happened calls into question the concept of objectivity, and the validity of the intuitive and subjective as means of investigating reality. So yes, someone played with my senses, to me. What that means, whether that counts as "real", is up to an individual's ideological framework.
- jimisol

Family experiences timeslip

We used to own a racetrack in Ohio years ago, but we lived in southeast PA. You had to take the turnpike to get there in any reasonable amount of time, and one of the times my mother, my sister and I were together to go meet my stepdad who was driving separately with a trailer to haul equipment.
We got off at an exit after paying a toll, and go off into a strip mall with a bunch of rinky dink looking buildings. Not dirty, just faded pastel colors, didn't even look like there was a town nearby. They had a diner, though, and we hadn't eaten since we left (four hours before) so we stopped in.The food sucked, and was completely tasteless. People stared at us the whole time. It wasn't dark like a cave, just not a ton of windows. There were some, enough for ambient light. Like a Denny's if the power went out, that sort of thing. And an unreasonable number of people, we noticed, had bandages on them. The only person who said a word to us was the girl who took our order, who also rang us up at the end.
We decided not eating was better than going back there, so we wrote down the exit in a little journal we'd been keeping in the glove compartment so we knew not to make that mistake again. A couple hours later we get to the track and my stepdad asks how everything went. We said it was uneventful but told him we'd recorded a real whopper for the journal and not to take the exit we'd marked because it was shitsville. He gets really excited and we're all kind of wondering why. He's actually said the words before, "I hate eating. It takes too much time and gets in the way of me living my life," so our less than stellar review definitely wasn't a motivating factor.He tells us he thinks we ate ghost food and that the people in the diner were vampires. He wouldn't stop talking about it for like ten minutes and it was making my sister uncomfortable, so my mom did an about face and tried logicking him away from it.
We argued that the food had no reason to suck, they could have easily killed us, and nobody could recall ever seeing the a movie where the wound, left by whatever bit the person to make them vampires in the first place, still existed on their body. He got less excited and left it alone.
We have the race weekend, it's time to drive all the way back. He asks me if I want to come with him, since he had to drive alone the way there. I say sure. Two hours in, he pulls off. I think it's weird because we at a gigantic fucking breakfast before we left, and I know he's anti-eating. I didn't recognize it at first coming from the other direction, but eventually it occurs to me he's going to the diner's exit. He wants to see it for himself. He stops to pay the toll, doesn't mention our story; he asks if there's a diner at the exit to make sure he has the right one (you can't see it from the ramp). The guy says there was one, but it burned down.
Holy shit. Okay, so there weren't vampires, but what a fucking coincidence. We just eat there and then right after, in the span of two and a half days, they have a freak accident. This almost intrigues him more than the supernatural bit, and I am one hundred percent on board for checking it out.We drive over, same humdrum bullshit strip mall, except where we went to eat it's just this charred mess. Not like with holes in it, it wasn't a wooden frame in pieces like a cartoon; you just could seriously tell there was damage. No vehicles, no tape (I'd assume they'd at least test it for being a crime) and they'd cleaned the area around it well.
We go to get back on the turnpike, and these poor toll guys are stuck in a booth hardly bigger than they are, so it's the same dude getting back on (hard to explain, but it's a short ramp, straight road perpendicular to the turnpike, guy's booth, lots of straight, then you can turn into the strip, so you see him again and then fork back).
Anyway, my stepdad's like, I thought you said there was a diner there. Guy says, there was, like I told you, burned down. He asked if they'd figured out yet what caused it, was it a grease fire or what, that kind of thing. The guy says, "Yet?" "Yeah, it had to have been in the last two or three days, they didn't investigate it? It wasn't on the news?" Then the guy says, "Oh, we know what happened. It was on the news when it happened, eight years ago."It sounds ridiculous, and cliche, and there are tons of stories like it. I know what I saw, it was the same exit, the same distance from the road, same buildings save for the one. I don't expect anyone ever to believe me which is why I don't usually share it. Plus there's no way to prove it because I moved to Florida by the time I was old enough to drive, and I don't have the exit number anymore. It was after Somerset (which I remember because of 9/11) and before Wheeling. But that's almost an hour long difference, so even that's no help. All that I really think happened is that the place burned down like a motherfucker while we were gone and that guy's just an asshole. I don't think it burned down in the past and I don't think that I ate ghost food. But my stomach dropped like crazy and it's still a weird coincidence, especially given how good a job they did cleaning up the site, and how quiet everything was around it. It really did look lost to time.
TL;DR We ate at a weird restaurant with strange bandaged customers, my stepdad thought we'd gone to a "vampire diner", we went back days later and found it had burned down eight years before.

The Saturday

I live in Chicago. It's a very big and beautiful city, and ironically, also the city in The Matrix (same street names, ect). One of my hobbies on extremely nice days is to go downtown and follow odd looking people around to see what they're doing. I think this is called being a Flanneur, in French, and I've experienced some REALLY weird things while following people that could be equated to Matrix glitches (even though I've never really had that thought before).

The one that stands out in my mind as the most "Matrixy" was a few summers ago. It was a Saturday and I was downtown with a parkour training group. The session was wrapping up at around 6pm and everyone was getting ready to go home or somewhere else. I was sitting in a large tree we liked to climb and was looking down on an extremely odd man who had been watching us all day (since 10 AM). He was in his late 20's i'd assume, thin but muscular, and wore sun glasses and a bright green and pink short sleeved collared shirt and cargo shorts. He just sat there for the entire 8 hours and didn't fucking move aside from maybe shift in his seat whenever he saw something that impressed him.

At this point only 4 people were left lingering. One Traceur, his 2 female friend, and myself. The man got up, went over to the group of three, said something. It looked intense, and the two girls stood bolt upright while the one Male threw his hands up in the air and had them drop to his sides quickly in a wild shrugging gesture. They were just out of earshot.

I jumped down from my tree and stumbled, botched the landing, over to the trio. Apparently, the man had left and I saw him walking briskly down the stairs towards Michigan Ave (the main street of downtown chicago). I was intent on following him, but I wanted to make sure he wasn't a crazy first. When I got to the remaining three youths the two girls just stood there in the same position they were before, completely quiet. I asked about the man, to which the male replied (sounding rather offended) "What man? It's just me and these two here." For a brief moment his face took on a strained look as if trying to remember the man, like he SHOULD remember the man, but the look vanished as quickly as the man had. When it was clear that he wasn't going to say anything on the matter I turned and jogged down the stairs towards Michigan Ave.

I looked left and right, then left again, and right again. I couldn't spot the guy. It had been less than a minute since he began walking and he was already out of sight. He could have crossed the street, but he would still have been waiting for a break in the traffic to do so, other than that the street was weirdly void of pedestrians. There was an open park to my right and rushing traffic to my left, and not a man in sight. Then I heard a scream from behind me and ran back to the park to see the two girls looming over the guy.

I pushed them back and saw the male, who had slumped over, out cold and drooling a mixture of blood and spittle. He looked like he had just been beaten badly, just really had the snot knocked out of him. He was a pretty big guy, one of the most muscular guys I know. He could have taken 2 or 3 of anyone else in the park no problem, but there he was down for the count.

I asked the girls if they had saw what happened. They said he was talking to himself and then just fell over. I told one to call an ambulance and continued to question the other one. I asked about the man. They said they don't remember any man. I asked if they remembered me coming over there, they didn't remember that either. Very odd. The ambulance arrived very shortly after and took the slumped over mess away on a stretcher as I sat there trying to explain, in detail, the events of the last 10 minutes of these girls who would just NOT believe me about the man in neon green and pink.

TL;DR: A slight, weird looking man in sunglasses brainwashes 2 girls and knocks out a man twice his size with words, then disappears into thin air and nobody but me remembers it

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