Little prince syndrome is actually a mental disorder which can not be diagnosed during any manual test. Little prince syndrome is also known as the Peter Pan Syndrome, if it occurs during adulthood. Prince syndrome is generally explained when a person starts behaving like a child despite his age. It is generally a condition where the grown up behaves in a manner that makes him/her appear like a selfish child or immature adult.
Here are few signs which will allow you to point out if a person is suffering from little prince or princess syndrome.
A person suffering from little prince syndrome generally expects someone to take care of them. They think they should be taken care of and pampered according to their demand.
They are financially irresponsible. They might spend too carelessly on something that simply cannot be justified. For e.g. thy may buy a pair of shoes for Rs. 10,000 when they still haven't paid off their credit card bill for the last 6 months.
They never accept the fault but instead blame others for all the things that go wrong in their lives. However their mother is always their favourite person to go to (hide behind) whenever they are accused of some wrong doing or misbehaviour.
They are usually obsessed with their moms, so much that they need to talk to her almost every day, sometimes for the smallest of things. They ask their mom to check on ratify their daily routine, even though they are all grown up now.
They actually act like a child or an irresponsible teenager. They seek attention all the time and even throw tantrums or they sulk for days. They usually want what they want and they will try to find all sorts of ways to get them.
A person suffering from prince syndrome cannot maintain a long and stable relationship because they are not ready to take any responsibility and may never be able to take things seriously in their lives.
They never really have any close or long term friendships. Even if they do, it is a toxic relationship where someone else is enabling them to continue with the type of nehaviour that simply isn't acceptable from grown ups. Their social circle usually consists of their mother and tansient friendships.
These people will avoid any kind of hardwork or hardship. They will shy away from struggles of any kind. They believe they are entitled to the best and that the world owes all the best things to them. They will not lift a finger to get it for themselves.
They simply cannot make a decision and if they do they simply cannot commit to the decision and see it through. They want everything, all at the same time.
They are stubborn, just like infants or toddlers who don't understand anything beyond what they want in that very moment. They can display diturbing bouts of rage and temper when they don't get their way with things.
Living with someone or caring for someone with Little Prince Syndrome is very difficult. Imagine the mother who has to give up her entire life for her child even after they are in their 30s or 40s. Imagine someone who falls in love with such a person. If you know someone stuck in such a relationship, do recommend to them that they seek proper medical assistance.
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