If you think of yourself as young and trendy, and being addressed as “Uncle” is probably your worst nightmare, then it's time to figure out, are you an uncle yet? How can you tell? More importantly, how can you prevent your descent down the slimy, slippery slope into uncle-dom?
You poor sod! They scream UNCLE… the uncle who cannot bend to do up his shoelaces, finds buckles fiddly and difficult! No one should wear these.
Or to a party? Or anywhere? And find that people around you seem to be born yesterday?
….because you went to bed late, or are working too hard or have muscle aches? Excuses! Excuses!
Do you feel as though school was simply ages ago? And that you don’t quite recall the face of your fave teacher or the name of your bench partner? Well, Uncle!
So, someone mentioned gently that you may be putting on some weight…. And you said this? Say it with me...Uncle!
Arrey mere bhai, sudhar ja! Act your age because people don’t think you're young, they are laughing at you.
Don’t do this, if you want to perpetuate the illusion of maturity and not let people know that you're turning into an argumentative, cantankerous version of your own father. At least, he would just argue with Dr Sharma the neighbour and not yell all over the internet like you!
Next time someone (friend/significant other/niece/nephew/neighbour’s dog) suggests something fun and spontaneous, don’t find a million reasons not to do it.
Play a game, have a pillow fight, tell silly jokes and have fun… that keeps you young.... so you can avoid that dreaded decent down the slimy, slippery slope into uncle-dom.
There is dancing and then there is trying to dislocate your spine. The trick is to remain youthful and to remember to enjoy life; not seem as though you're doing your best not to act your age... because Uncleji, acting your age is important too!
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