There will always be people around you who see the glass half empty. Things are always bad, life is wrong and everything around a dull shade of grey. Do you want to hold their hand and guide them away from their darkness or live your life with a broad smile? It’s good to help others, but sometimes it is not yours to fix. So, how do you keep your head high and above this mess? Here’s how to get you started.

The world needs me

People who gossip The world needs me

Discussions are okay as everybody has their own point and right to express their views, but some people like to play sinful, they spread rumors and untrue negative comments about you. I mean what’s the point to keep them in your contact? Bid adieu will be a good call.


Bloody bee kind of person

Hear no hums Bloody ‘bee’ kind of person

Ask yourself that are you bound to listen to those whines and complains? If some people are facing that much problem with you, then can’t you let them off your life? You know it whining is for no good, their loss if they are doing it. Cut the cable of negativity.


Look for a new shoulder

Don’t offer your shoulder when it’s uncalled for Look for a new shoulder

Don’t battle someone’s issue; you are calling for a new negative wave. Stay low and ask the other person do the same, but if he/she is stretching you into the long war, then probably you should break the wire of chit-chat with him/her. Don’t stand in the matter by yourself by providing other person a ‘vent’.


Fear me

You are no god to deal with every matter Fear me

Can you come back unsoiled after a dip and swim in the muddy water? Not certainly. Relate the mud with negativity, and make yourself realize, that the only way to avoid that dirt is to turn down to take a dunk into that mud or negativity.


5. People who don’t support you

And Im gonna let you off

And I’m gonna let you off

Tell me a reason; you’re maintaining contacts with those people who are unsupportive. Throw them out of your life and live in a not negative world.


6. Chance seekers

Bub, youre gone

Bub, you’re gone

These kinds of people look for a chance to overcome your success, no matter what price they have to pay. If betraying you is the cost of their success, then it’s like plucking a strand of hair to them. Keeping them in your life is like inviting negativity for a buffet.


7. The Prize

Yayy! Prize finally

Yayy! Prize finally

The day you start avoiding those mindless creatures, you’ll see them getting vanished from your life as they’ll realize that you are no more a companion in their drama. Remember, the top is not jam-packed just find a path to reach there.

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Author’s Name: Pranay Gautam