Having a crush on a guy and not being able to tell him…sigh! Yes, we all go through this. But why wait for a cupid arrow to struck when you can take matters in your own hands and make it work. At the end, aren’t you the gal of today? So, rather than roaming around like a damsel in distress, here are eight ways to grab his attention and make love happen for you.
1. Get caught while looking at him

Just look at me once!
Look at him a couple of times and hope he catches you in the play. If he does, give him sweet grin, gaze at him for some more time and then look away. Do this and you’ll grab his attention all the way.
2. Give compliments

Dude, you are hot
Men love compliments too, just appreciate their physique, tell them they have a good smile and, just wait to see them melting towards you.
3. Up, close and personal

Kiss of hands
Just putting your palm over his, leaning your head on his shoulders or just sitting back to back are cute little gestures that will make him take attention of you.
4.Be playful, not desperate

YES, its going right
Don’t act desperate, act normal and be playful. Men usually avoid girls who stick to their shadows.
5. Try not to be shadowy

You got me this time
Let the guy figure you out. Don’t eat his head off by talking every detail of your life.
6. Play intelligent

You get that?
Show your intellectual skills, this will show your sharpness and depth. Talk smart and attract your man more efficiently than coming across as a fuse bulb.
7. Be fun, in different ways

I won, I won!
Don’t be a stereotypical girl. Try and initiate the conversation on your own by telling jokes and talking in a sarcastic way.
8. Body language matters

You’re funny.
Just like you want to connect with him emotionally, let your body language show that you like him. Don’t shy away and hide in a corner. Open up and let yourself go. That’s the only way he is going to be comfortable around you.