We have all been through that phase, when after months of speculating whether it’s a yes or no and having spent a considerable amount of both your time and energy, the girl, who could have been ‘The One’ calls you Bhai! All hell breaks loose and you find yourself at the receiving end of sarcasm. Here is exactly how guys feel when a girl pulls them out from boyfriend zone, twirls them around friend zone and finally dump them in Bhai zone!
Depression looms in

It doesn’t matter whether that girl was worth your adulation or not, as soon as you know you are ‘Bhaizoned’, depression looms in from the right and left.
Self-confidence takes a dip

No self-confidence
The most common thing that guys think- ‘Was I that bad that I couldn’t even find a place in the Friend zone category!’ Self-confidence takes a direct hit and the world doesn’t seem so good anymore.
Social media ain’t so cool anymore

No Social life
Taking selfies and tagging that girl in every post and picture has turns out be a bad decision. Now, you can neither delete those posts nor ignore her. It’s so not cool to be on social media anymore!
If this girl can make you a bhai, so can others

Scared of girls
It is that creepy feeling you have when you believe that every girl on the planet will have you Bhaizoned! You can’t talk to other girls for this fear and you are not ready to take another chance.
Time to fight back

Fight back
The weak heart guy, often find it difficult to cope with it and hide in the shadows, while the brave ones take it in their stride and try to woo their lady back.
Author: Shikha Pandey