How to Perfectly Peel a Boiled Egg and Other Useful Hacks

Sometimes you see a great and surprisingly simple idea and wonder why you didn’t ever think of it; how you went through life without encountering this bit of brilliance. The reaction of Twitter to this simple hack to peel boiled eggs was similar. Plus there are many other simple but useful hacks we can use.

Boiled eggs peeled the right way

While the idea is admirable, the amount of water wasted in that video disturbed a lot of commentators (and me) terribly. If one can overlook the tragic waste of water, this is certainly one to try out.

Reuse squeezy bottles

The bottles that once contained ketchups and sauces can be very useful. Wash them out and then use them for pancake mix or for dosa batter – none of the mess of spills and drips.

One sided toast

You can use a regular toaster for perfect toasted sandwiches and one-sided toast (like Sting’s Englishman in New York). Just put two slices in at once so that both are toasted only on one side with the other side soft for the inside of a sandwich.

Colour code your keys

If you have a big bunch of similar looking keys it can be tedious to figure out which one fits in what lock. So use nail polish to colour the keys; each colour indicating what lock the key is meant for.

Frozen grapes instead of ice for beverages

Ice will cool down a drink but it will also dilute the taste. It is a better idea to use frozen grapes to cool down room temperature wine or juice --- and much more ecofriendly than using those plastic ice cubes.

The zip ring

You can easily get one of these rings from an old keychain. Thread it through the notch in the zipper tab of your jeans. Zip up your jeans, hook the ring around the top button and then button your jeans. Your zip will never slide down.

Paper clip trick

Don’t fumble for the invisible end of the cello tape on the spool. Just put a paper clip below the edge.

Travel hack

Those little shower caps hotels give us are largely useless. So use them for packing shoes. Inside the shoes, fold up spare socks neatly.

Old razors for lint

You know how lint and pet hair get stuck to wooly surfaces, clothes etc? Use an old razor to scrape it off. Sometimes a lice comb works just as well.

Take pictures of your fridge, kitchen cupboard

Before you go marketing, take pictures of your kitchen shelves, fridge and freezer. This will remind you of what is over, what is running low and what you need to buy.

DIY sprinkler

A plastic bottle will work to water the lawn: just punch in a few holes, insert a pipe and secure the neck. Attach the pipe and turn on the water – simple DIY hack for watering the lawn without an actual sprinkler.

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