If You Don’t Play Wordle, You Soon Will – Meanwhile Here Are Some Wordle Memes

I held out against the Wordle craze for months. After all, I already play word games like Scrabble, Word Stacks and Word Trip every day. I cannot get addicted to yet another word game, can I? Turns out I can. I too succumbed to the Wordle craze and can now identify with all the wordle memes that proliferate online:

Wordle players know the pain of this

I now know the pain of this as well. The first word is always a wild guess. Key in a simple word with some of the most common letters, we are told. Gray means none of the letters is part of the answer.

It is addictive

Yellow means the letter is correct but the position is not. Green means the letter and position are both correct. Getting it in the first or second shot is a rush! And then people want more – but there is just one a day!

NYT took it over

The New York Times acquired the word game a while back but the words are no more or less difficult than before players have clarified.

Some are not convinced

They are sure that the solution words are more difficult than before. OK, but Tharoor level difficult? That's difficult to believe.

People just have to share

Players share on social media with great regularity. There is certainly a bit of showing off there – a weird kind of nerdy flex. Some, of course, share altogether too much as in this image – or maybe there is an actual exhortation to cheat here?


When you don’t get it until the last or the second last attempt – you may want to hang your head in shame – like Cercei doing the Walk of Shame there.

Sometimes it can be very difficult

Very difficult indeed.

The deepest cut

Getting it on the last or second last try is difficult to swallow – but this is worse!


Some make it – but only just!

It is addictive

One tends to keep thinking about possible solutions, waiting for the next puzzle when today’s is done; planning strategy and so on…If you don’t already play Wordle, you soon will – it is kind of addictive. Plus one doesn’t want that feeling of FOMO – missing out on something that everyone seems to be talking about.  It isn't for nothing that there are so many Wordle memes around.

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