Is Deja Vu A Sign That We Have Lived This Exact Life Before?

We have all had that eerie feeling, when something unexpectedly crosses our minds-'we have done this, we have been here before! '. Well, what you have experienced is, what the Frenchmen call Deja Vu. It is, when you are in an unfamiliar situation, but it strangely feels familiar. 

Does this happen only to you?

It is a common thing that happens with almost 70-80% of people and trust us, it is nothing strange. 

Why is it happening?

While there is no conclusive reason on exactly why this thing happens, there are certain things that might lead to you experiencing Deja vu. Keep on reading below to find out. 

Unrelated memory

Somehow, your brain has picked up some unrelated memory and is not receiving a sensory signal. 

Triggering some other memory

Some other memory has been triggered by your brain that is going against what you are trying to think now and this is causing a sense of Deja vu! 

If the setting has something that you remember from the past

If your surrounding has something that you can relate to the past, there are chances that your brain has picked it up. 

Split second difference in brain transferring signal

Sometimes brains take a second longer to send information from one side of it to the other and this is when you can sense some particular event happening before too. 

Is it safe?

It is a common occurrence with most people, but sometimes some of them have reported side effects like nausea and dizziness. But such cases are quite rare. 

So, yes Deja Vu happens and even though it feels odd, it's just a small tap on the hidden secrets of your brain. 

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