Marriage is an institution that is increasingly being questioned – the desirability and relevance of such a union are no longer as sacrosanct as they used to be. Women want to experience life and don’t want to be tied down to matrimony until they are ready. Men want perhaps want to enjoy life before the responsibilities of a family limit their options. A tweet about getting married in one’s mid-20s started a conversation:
Most parties start after 8 and really get going only much later. According to this view, getting married in one’s mid-20s is like leaving a party before any of the fun has begun. Many young people do prefer to delay marriage to enjoy an unfettered life; in other words to party before ‘settling down’.
If someone gets married even before that, does it mean they didn’t get invited to the party at all? Maybe they were invited to just a kiddie party, chimed in someone.
This commentator feels that being if one is in a stable relationship, marriage may be the next logical step and getting married in one’s mid-20s may actually be the right time to get married.
For a lot of happily married people, early marriage is a good idea. Maybe it isn't the age at which one marries, but the person one is married to that makes all the difference.
A lot of people want to have kids while they are still young enough to have the energy to keep up with and enjoy raising children.
There is certainly something to be said for having kids when one is more mature and economically stable, as this comment points out.
It is sensible to leave the party early so that you're not late for everything else the next day. In this view, marrying later delays other life milestones such as having kids, maybe buying a house and so on.
In this view, one should party on weekends – not sure how this applies to life; married or otherwise.
They’ve experienced life and partied and travelled as much as they wanted to; now they want to get married.
This makes the most sense – for a lot of people, getting married early makes a lot of sense. For others, it is important to experience life, travel, and discover what one really wants in life before settling down. The important thing here is making an autonomous choice rather than being forced to make choices based on family pressure and social expectations. Partying is good and so is sleeping early – so long as one isn't forced or pressured into doing either.
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