You’re 24 and young, but now you’ve entered the phase of adulthood, when you’ve to give up on those early-twenty deeds. So how exactly are you planning to amend your life to make a good and mature start? Feeling confused? Maybe, these tips can tell you what 7 things you should avoid doing at the age of twenty four.

No cheap clothes Better this way
Teenage days are gone, when you used to buy clothes to look like a hipster. Now you’re mature and most likely to get your first job, so better avoid looking like Johna Hill of 21 Jump Street. Walk with style, buy some key clothes.

Avoid dating odd ones I was dating her? *Facepalm*
I can understand you are not Chris Evans, who can kill any girl with the charm, but bub trust me; you’re no less than him. It can be a real misery to find a perfect date, but better than wasting your time on odd trials, people who are just not for you. Be practical rather than being too willing.

Let people say what they want About your opinions specially
No one likes being judged by somebody, it’s human nature, but what’s the point to sacrifice your cheer by being fretful about people comments. You’re not a joker to please everybody, have faith on your decisions and move over those unwanted opinions.

Let go of those old dreams I’m gonna be a billionaire
At the age of 21 you decided to be an officer but after a month or so you switched your interest and wished to be a DJ. Now you’re 24 and you’re neither an officer nor a DJ, so better leave behind your old interests, like “I want to be Spiderman”. Be practical and focus on more realistic aims.

Watch your finances Can you lend me some money?
You are old enough to watch your finances at least. Your father will no longer be filling your pocket with pennies to buy a lollipop. Time to get responsible as no person can walk miles with a hole in a pocket.

No need to be nice when it’s unneeded I’m a fool to everyone
Are you living to entertain people? That’s your life motto? At your age people generally get an idea that what are their strengths and what they are capable of. Start humming a ‘no’ daily as you’ll need it on the street of adulthood.

Don’t waste time on the Internet Just 5 more minutes
I know, even god can’t refuse to use the Internet, but you’ve to set deadlines for yourself. Start with an internet-free day per week. Okay, realistically per month.
Author’s Name: Pranay Gautam