'Satan' Has 2M Twitter Followers And Some Of His Advice Is Actually Good!

They say Google wants your money, Satan wants your soul – the guy constantly in search of souls in exchange for diabolical favours. Satan is the fallen angel; the Prince of evil spirits as per the Abrahamic religions. Of course ‘Satan’ has a Twitter handle. The handle has some interesting things to say – 2.2 million followers seem to agree.

S8n on Twitter

The bio claims Satan is not evil, merely misunderstood. The handle has 2.2 million followers so clearly a lot of people agree.


Satan suggests that if we are in a bad situation, maybe we need to examine our own contribution to it and take responsibility.


Satan frequently reminds anti-vaxxers (a movement that opposes vaccinations; resulting in a resurgence of dangerous illnesses) to vaccinate their kids to protect them from deadly diseases.

This Twitter exchange with ‘God’

So there is another popular Twitter handle, this one is called ‘God’. Apparently God and Satan agree that anti-vaxers are a menace.

Evil in the guise of good

“Satan's favourite hiding place is the church,” said one tweet. Satan agrees; after all, there is so much violence and mayhem done in the name of religion.

Stop killing the earth

Even Satan is worried about the earth. Why are we all not worried!

No discrimination

Apparently Heaven is selective while Hell is not – everyone is welcome in hell! Certainly sounds more egalitarian than heaven.

Suicide isn't the answer

A reminder here from Satan, that suicide is not the answer to problems; getting help can be.

Crude but truthful

Satan may frequently be crude and rude, but ‘plant some trees’ is always good advice.

Um… OK

Healthy eating is all very well, but this does make a weird kind of sense. Why do unhealthy things taste so much better than healthy things!

Satan good or bad?

Well God is supposed to be in charge and there is a lot of suffering on earth. So who is the good guy here?

A good influence!

Say no to drugs, says --- Satan!

Have a good day

This is Satan reminding us that we have the power to decide which way our day goes – good, bad or awesome.

Animals are good

Humans can learn from them. Also humans can try not to let them all go extinct.

Satan loves music

Because music makes everything better – everything.

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