Smartphones are the first thing in your hand and the last thing you keep down. It even accompanies you to the washroom and captures every pout and selfie moment available. Honestly the head posture has now changed. Look straight ahead is gone, look down in your phone is in. But is all this love for your smartphone turned you to a smartphone glue stick addict? Well, let’s find out.

Taking selfies every waking moment

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Yes, we understand how much you love yourself, but that does not mean that you will flash your phone and take a selfie whenever you get a chance.  Just that you know, it’s super annoying.


Texting/talking when out with friends

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Trust me, nothing irritates your friends more than you texting/talking or for that matter playing games on your phone while you are out with them. If you’re not careful, you’ll not have much of them around for long.


Playing loud music

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While music is always soothing for soul, if you play very loud music, you will only end up irritating everyone around you, sometimes your friends included.


Talking on phone speaker

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Talking on phone speaker is fine when you are in your house. But when you are out in a public place, talking on phone speaker is a big no.


One word response to text messages

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No one likes to read one word reply to their text messages. It not only shows that you are lethargic, it also depicts that you are not interested in having a conversation.


Not replying to the missed calls

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Many a times you are not able to answer your phone calls. In such situations you must call back the callers. If you don’t, it will be considered as rude.


Forwarding baseless chain messages

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Never ever do that !  You wont win an iPhone by forwarding such messages.

Author: Anusheel

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