You remember Mothers Day in May and how everyone; and I mean everyone was telling everyone else how much they loved their mother/how loved they were as mothers? And Facebook also had a special Mother’s day emoji in the form of a purple flower that said “Thankful”. Well, a similar opportunity presents itself for fathers as well. Father’s Day is this Sunday, 19 June 2016. Facebook has some special stickers for Father’s Day to help you show your love and appreciation for fathers, grandfathers and father figures.
Facebook stickers for Father’s Day

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The stickers are meant to salute the poor all suffering, unsung dads (as the image with the kids literally jumping on dad demonstrates), to acknowledge grandfathers, to send a hug and a thank you to dads as well as to say congratulations to new dads. Presumably there will be more as well. The stickers will be launched on 17th June, a couple of days ahead of Father’s Day so you can have some time to play around with them.
It is not yet clear where these stickers will be available; in the messenger feature or in the general comments. We also don’t know yet whether an app upgrade will be required on the phone for the sticker pack to be added. But at least you know enough to look out for these cutsey Fathers’ Day stickers for this Sunday.
Other ways cool FB features launched recently

All of us know about the feature where you can now not only ‘like’ a post but also show love, shock, anger, sadness or laughter in response. You simply hover the mouse pointer over the like button or long press it on your phone to get the options displayed above.
You also probably know about the feature for replying to specific comments which has made it possible to create strings within strings; a feature that helps to really complicate conversations at times. There is also a feature that lets you video comment. You could of course comment with just a sticker or a picture upload, but now you can also reply with a video comment. All you have to do is use the camera icon that appears along with the comment box.

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There is also a new trending feature that lets you find popular conversations on Facebook so you can read them/ contribute to them. The friends nearby feature can be used to know who is close by if you want to plan to meet up. Both users enable the feature and can share precise locations via a map for set periods of time.
Author: Reena Daruwalla