Superstitions Around The Full Moon, How Many Do You Agree To?

Some completely weird things happen on a full moon night and whether you believe it or not, they will definitely make you think.... is it true! Perhaps yes and sometimes a no, check these common myths and superstitions surrounding a full moon night and watch out for the next upcoming full moon night on October 16.  

1. Power to transform a man into a werewolf

It is said that a full moon has the power to transform a man into a werewolf. A werewolf is a terrifying animal that’s half animal and half man. Apart from this, various theories suggest that people born under the full moon are more likely to grow as lycanthropes in the future.

2. Power to make a man volatile

It is said that the number of accidents or crimes double in the evening with a full moon. It is said that the full moon can affect our behaviour dramatically. Our feelings get multiplied ten times, we would be more aggressive to people, insomnia can hit us harder or we may start loving someone too much. A full moon is often associated with volatility and people's mood can become unpredictable and change all the time.

3. Your clothes can get white under full moon

It is said that if you hang your laundry out in the full moon, they will get whiter within a few hours. In short, moonlight will have a bleaching property on clothes and make it spotless white.

4. Correlation of hair and full moon

Want your hair to grow quicker? Cut them on a full moon day. It is said that cutting hair on the full moon day can help to grow them faster. According to certain beliefs, the force of the moon’s pull will boost our blood flow. Avoid cutting your hair if you want to chop off and keep them short all the times.

5. Nails and Full Moon effect

Just like hair, the effect of the full moon is tremendous on nails. It is said that if you cut nails on a full moon day they grow tremendously just like the hair. Make sure you trim your nails late during the evening on a full moon night.

6. High level of madness

A strong belief demonstrates that the level of madness increases on the night of the full moon day. There is a common myth that full moon day evokes madness and the  word “lunacy” stems from the root “lunar”, which describes the moon. It is observed that the suicide or homicide cases automatically increases on the full moon day.

7. Woman and the full moon effect

There are many myths and superstitions surrounding the full moon and a woman. One such myth is a woman is believed to be most fertile on the full moon day. Another woman believes that the menstrual cycle corresponds to the moon.

8. Power to trigger childbirth

It is said that the lunar cycle (28 days) corresponds with a woman’s menstrual cycle.  It is said that full moon prompts childbirth and hence hospitals are filled during the evening of a full moon day. If the pregnancy date falls around the corner, it is said that the woman is more likely to deliver the child on the full moon day.

If you have heard more myths surrounding the full moon, do share them with us. 

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