The Bull Is Colour Blind, The Lion Doesn't Hunt And Some More Reality Checks For You

Animals have got some unique attributes. While some utilize them, others give a pass! But these fun and interesting facts about animals would surely make you wonder. So, all you zoology studs out there, here are some facts that may even astound you! Check it out here. 

Bull is colour blind

Just like other cattles, bulls are also colour blind and no they can't see red. So, the bull charging is not because of the red colour, but due to the cape's movement as the matador whips it around. Just try standing in front of the animal, wearing a red outfit and you will get to know the truth. 

1. Housefly

The hum sound of a housefly will not age with its lifetime. In its lifespan of 14 days, the only thing that is constant is its sound! 

2. Ostrich

While ostrich is the only bird that cannot fly and the ostrich egg is the largest single cell egg present on Earth, it has still more to astound us with. It can actually run faster than a horse and can also roar like a lion! Astounding much?!

3. Kangaroo

Kangaroo actually balances his weight with the help of its tail. So if you lift off its tail from the ground, it won't hop!

4. Parrot

A few species of parrots can talk like humans. Yes, they can actually have a full-fledged conversation in the human voice. They just need special training to do so!

5. Elephants

Elephants have the largest brain, nearly 11 pounds in size. Also, they have an Elephant EQ of 1.88. So, they do forget things, but they're not actually dumb!

6. Birds

Quite interestingly, birds also use landmarks to navigate long distances. Furthermore, many species even use built-in ferromagnets to detect their orientation with respect to the Earth's magnetic field. 

7. Cats

Cats have as many as 32 muscles in each ear so that they can eavesdrop your conversation very clearly. Bet you would think twice before speaking something in front of your kitty!

The lion doesn't hunt

Yes, the king of the jungle doesn't hunt. All the hunting is done by the lioness

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