Twitter Trend #MyMentalHealthIn3Words –Many Don’t Want to Talk About It

Those of us who enjoy good mental health could find it difficult to fathom the troubled inner landscape of people with depression, anxiety and other mental issues. The despair can be physically debilitating and mental illnesses can colour every aspect of life. The #MyMentalHealthIn3Words Twitter hashtag had many contributions that were enlightening but also often heartrending.

Depression is real

Many of us tend to be quite ignorant and insensitive about mental illnesses. We need to educate ourselves and develop some compassion. Saying snap out of it is not a cure .

"Trying to survive"

Many who struggle with mental health issues may appear perfectly ‘normal’ on the outside, but each day could be a struggle for them. We just don’t know


Physical and mental exhaustion is one of the most common symptoms of mental illness. There is physical fatigue that accompanies that feeling of hopelessness and helplessness. 

Mental health in three words

Having a mental illness can be scary and confusing and sufferers often choose to isolate themselves when trying to deal with the fears and the confusion.

It can be hellish

And no one may know or understand.  

Many forget this

It is important to self-care, to keep in touch with one’s own feelings and to prioritise oneself once in a while.


It can seem hopeless but there is always hope. It is important for a sufferer or those around to get help and fight to overcome these problems.

This can be a problem

The world can be a very loud, very busy and unbearable place for some of us.

Support is vital

It is important to make sure that our loved ones are fine, really fine. Those with depression and anxiety may seem perfectly ‘fine’ on the face of it, but may be very far from ‘fine’


I am fine may be a cover for a multitude of problems: feeling unloved, lost, lonely, a failure, worthless, defeated, abandoned, confused, broken, unhappy, angry.


We all need help sometimes.

Healing takes time

It can be a long and tortuous journey to healing and recovery. There may be setbacks along the way.

Get over the stigma

There is still a lot of stigma attached to mental illnesses. People don’t want to admit or even acknowledge that they or someone in their family could be struggling and may need help.

Tools for healing

Some offered insight on ways to get better.

Not alone

There is always someone who can help. Many tweeted with the #MyMentalHealthIn3Words hashtag to offer information about helplines and other types of support for those who may be feeling alone and helpless.

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