Want More Maggi Variations? Someone Dreamed Up Maggi Mirchi

The possibilities of experimenting with India’s fave noodle snack, Maggi are seemingly endless. There was Rose Maggi, Oreo Maggi, Maggi Milkshake and burger, Maggi Pani Puri and goodness knows what else. And now our spice loving junta has come up with Mirchi Maggi – yes that is chillies stuffed with Maggi noodles.

Stuffed Maggie mirch

These are those fat chillies, presumably the ones we use in pakodas; stuffed here not with the usual spicy potato mixture, but with cooked Maggi.

Not a bad idea

While being fully mindful of a possible attack from the food police, this tweet opines that mirchi Maggi could actually work.

Here you go

The suggested recipe was tried out – with cheese and other additions.


Don’t do these things!


I see your Maggi Mirch and raise you an Orange Maggi – says this tweet – whatever the f**k that is supposed to be.

It is now a trend

People have been experimenting with Maggi for a while now – probably because it is cheap, easy to find across the length and breadth of the country and very popular with Indians.

Please stop!

For many of us, Maggi is about nostalgia, happy memories of childhood and so on – don’t desecrate all this, said the tweeple.

The other view

This tweet quotes that old Hindi proverb – बंदर क्या जाने अदरक का स्वाद  - which translates as what does a monkey know about the taste of ginger. Perhaps some think of all these Maggi variations as the sign of a refined, more discerning palate?


The idea of Mirchi pakoda stuffed with Maggi occurred to many.

Maggi gives its blessings

Even Maggi seems to encourage this kind of experimentation. And why not – it will just help sell more of the product, right?

More suggestions

A little complicated and a dizzying mishmash of flavours suggested here – may work for some, I suppose.

Maggi ice cream?

Wrong – that is just Maggi in a cone. Clearly, a lot of these Maggi variations aren't real possibilities and some may taste awful. Meanwhile, if the creators are getting their few minutes of internet fame for this strange culinary creativity, well good for them.

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