Weird Shoes – Would You Be Caught Dead In These?

Cinderella is proof that a pair of shoes can change your life said someone once. Those who truly love shoes believe that there is no such thing as too many shoes (think Imelda Marcos). Shoes can be stylish, attractive, comfortable, and practical. But some shoes are so weird that they must be treated as works of art and be appreciated as such. So are you enough of a shoe lover for these bizarre shoes; would you be caught dead in these?

Snakeskin or snake?

Some people love snakeskin; some take that to a whole new level! These shoes are not for the fainthearted; they could well give nightmares.

But how!

The question isn’t just how does one get into these shoes, but also why! I would assume that the ‘crotch high 18 cm stiletto gold boots’ which claim to ‘refuse to be usual’ would be insanely uncomfortable!


These shoes take it a step further – shoes-cum-pants for those who cannot be bothered to wear two separate items? OK, but that shade of pink? Really?

Revenge shoes?

The woman wearing those shoes cannot possibly like the guy under her feet there… whose neck she is literally stepping on. It is a great idea for an ex if one is the vengeful type.

Severed Barbie heads

While I don’t object to the sentiment, I doubt it would be comfortable to walk on so many severed heads… literally and figuratively.


Weird as those shoes/slippers are, I think Indians especially couldn’t wear them – because we do not step on our food. 

Loving shoes?

These shoes hold the wearer in a warm embrace – quite literally! Where would you wear them? Well, that would be anyone's guess.

No heels!

Apparently this is something of a trend in the shoe-world… presumably they sell you the shoes and then train you to walk in the damn things - or give you a free wheelchair for when you fall and break your neck.

Messing with the mind!

These shoes bring to mind the old Indian belief that the ‘daayan’ or witch has feet facing the wrong way. These shoes are made to mess with the mind… Way creepy!

Are these really shoes?

OK, so these shoes are hilarious! But unless one is a court jester of yore, I fail to understand their utility.

Shoes as deadly weapon

If ever you need shoes that double up as a weapon, this pair is a good option. Whether or not one can actually walk in them… your guess is as good as mine.

Bleeding eyes

Just…. Why! But then I suppose we could say the same for most of the above weird shoes 'creations'.

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