Everybody seems to be getting fatter! The fact that we love eating pizza, burgers and sweets shows in our big fat bellies, thighs and buttocks. We don’t propagate the other spectrum of stick like people who chase a size zero or the Johnny Bravo characters who pump metal all day long, but here are a few kinds body fats and the best way to lose them, for a healthier you.

White Fat

A Obese Snow White

A Obese Snow White

White fat also known as WAT is generally responsible for storing energy in our body. Though too much WAT could lead to heart disease, diabetes and other health problems. The easiest way to decrease your white fat is to eat an apple as well as exercise daily.


Brown Fat

Weird places of brown fat

Weird places of brown fat

Brown Fat is a type of adipose tissue just like white fat, but it actually burns calories to store heat in the body. It is a good type of fat which improves your blood sugar metabolism. You can increase or activate brown fat by exposing your body to a cool temperature and by following a low fat and high carb diet.


Visceral Fat

the dangerous visceral fat

The dangerous visceral fat

Visceral fat is a major health risk. The easiest way to identify this fat is the large round waist or a belly, if you have one. This fat can lead up to diabetes and other heart related problems. You should start running and exercising daily to shed this fat.


Subcutaneous Fat

The layer under your skin

The fat layer under your skin

This is the fat found just under the skin; it gradually grows with years and is usually found in thigh and buttocks. While no fat is good, having a little and normal subcutaneous fat is actually healthy. Though if you have more and do want to lose it, then you should start eating right and start exercising.


Author’s Name – Tushar Nayyar

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