Accidents, Warnings and Arrests because of the #InMyFeelings Challenge

When I hear of X or Y challenge I get that feeling of foreboding; I know that nothing particularly good can come out of it. You remember the blue whale challenge that claimed the lives of impressionable children? You may also remember the condom snorting challenge, the tide pod challenge and other such challenges which to my mind are evidence of terminal human stupidity. We are now presented with the #InMyFeelings Challenge which involves a song by writer/singer/producer Drake which has resulted in mishaps, warnings by the police and even arrests.

#InMyFeelings or the Kiki challenge

The song In my Feelings by Drake has gone wildly viral. For some reason, people see the need to get out of a moving car and dance along with it as the song plays. Like this.

Will Smith got into the act

The actor literally takes this challenge to new heights in Budapest. “There is no way this is legal” he says. Drake has since declared Smith the ‘winner’ of the challenge.

This also can happen

There is a moving car, a person who thinks it’s a good idea to look into a camera and dance along with that moving car… disasters are just waiting to happen, don’t you think?

This happens

Some people do the challenge; only to get left behind. Clearly not what they planned! Difficult for viewers not to laugh!

Oooh, Ouch!

That looks painful! Things went wrong once; this wasn’t enough, evidently for this khandaan ka chiraag. This guy seems to be a real glutton for punishment!

More disasters

The oncoming car was slow, which is the only reason this idiot is still smiling at the end of the video.

This woman even got robbed

She is so absorbed in dancing for the camera in the moving car, she doesn’t notice when she drops her bag. By the time she notices what’s happened, a couple of guys have made off with her bag. One cannot help feeling that she kind of deserves her fate.

The Mumbai police have issued a warning

They’ve issued a ‘cease and desist’ warning to people who create a public nuisance in pursuit of the silly challenge. What I want to know is, where is this road in Mumbai – nice and green with traffic to speak of!

Arrests made in the UAE!

Apparently in the UAE, they don’t just issue warnings, they go ahead and arrest people. Three unnamed social media influencers were arrested for their foolhardy pranks and the police have also warned that a Dh2,000 fine and 23 black points await those who decide to flout the warnings. The vehicle will also be impounded, warned an officer. Maybe it’s justified…everyone has the right to be stupid; but some abuse that right.

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