Advisory for Women, Lynching For Rapist – Solutions for the Hyderabad Horror?

Every now and again, the slumbering conscience of a nation is shaken awake by a crime so horrifying that it forces us to confront hideous realities that we otherwise try to ignore. The brutal rape and murder of Hyderbad veterinary doctor, has shaken all of us. The details of the crime are so heinous that they literally make the blood run cold. What is also disturbing is the way so many of us have reacted to it.

This image was doing the rounds

Immediately following the Hyderabad horror, this image was doing the rounds on social media. The incident is hailed by netizens as a necessary form of justice meted out by women in the form of the lynching of the criminal who had violated them. According to social media comments, this is the need of the hour. The view was widely expressed that this rough and ready form of ‘justice’ was also required for the four men who raped and killed the veterinary doctor. I found this perplexing and dismaying – how could one crime be justified by another crime? How does it make sense to reply to lawlessness with more lawlessness?

But should this surprise any of us?

Jaya Bachchan, MP said this

This is a Member of Parliament saying that when law enforcement authorities are ineffectual or corrupt, extrajudicial killings, such as lynching, is the solution. So the answer to a lack of faith in the judiciary is to turn into a murderer? The solution to a crime is that everyone should become a criminal? Because police and judicial reform, enforcement of laws, improving education and women's safety are difficult and time-consuming processes must we descend into anarchy?

How is this any kind of solution? Perhaps in the world of social media and knee jerk reactions born out of anger and horror, such a reaction may be understandable. The number of Bollywood films about the glorification of vigilantes and vigilante killings also probably explains this mindset to some extent. But for an MP to stand in parliament and call for this is beyond the pale. Has mob violence and lynching been normalised to such an extent in our society that this seems like a just palatable outcome; a solution to us?     

Is this a solution?

And meanwhile, our law enforcement authorities have emerged with yet another ‘solution’ for crimes against women: an advisory for women. According to the advisory, it is women who must take precautionary steps while travelling. It is a good idea for the police to share helpline numbers and to encourage communities to watch out for ‘antisocial elements’; offering help and support.

But addressing an advisory to women once again puts the onus of safety on victims; absolving those responsible for maintaining safety. It is the routine reaction of society to place more curbs on the actions of women in the name of their own safety. Instead of restricting the activities of women – the victims – doesn’t it make more sense to restrict the actions of men – who are usually the perpetrators of such crimes?  Why wasn’t an advisory issued for men as well?

Besides, women live in fear of being attacked and take a million precautions each day anyway. These horrific crimes continue to happen in spite of the pains we take to remain safe. So how about an advisory for the police: record cases promptly without judging, disbelieving or casting aspersions on the character of the victim? How about sensitising the police? How about ensuring that the police are not prone to corruption and have the training and the will to carry out thorough and prompt investigations?

How about an advisory to every family to bring up their boys to respect women --- all women and not just relatives?  How about proper sex education in schools which includes the concept of consent?

In the wake of a horrific crime such as the rape and murder of a 27-year-old veterinary doctor, these solutions seem idealistic, remote and difficult. People want to see something done right now. They are looking for ways to deliver quick and deserving justice in a way that satisfies their sense of vengeance. People want to be reassured that a brutal end to criminals will be a deterrent and that it will help protect their own loved ones from such heinous crimes. However, such violent knee-jerk reactions are only going to further weaken the fabric of our society; plunging it into further strife.

Right now, there appear to be no solutions --- right now, Indian women seem destined to live in fear --- for themselves and their loved ones.  Because each day,  a horrific incident such as Nirbhaya or veterrinary doctor seems to crawl closer to home. 

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