Facebook is so yesterday! Instagram is the social media app that gen Y & Z are into. Instagram is, as the name indicates, instant and it caters to how minuscule our attention span has now become. Instant gratification is the name of the game and Instagram caters perfectly to it. Life is now divided into Before Instagram and After Instagram:
On Twitter.
People tend to become a lot more photogenic after the advent of the photo-sharing network.
Before and after can look very different; almost as different as different people!
We want to be seen as erudite, thoughtful, caring, creative… Instagram can help.
Peer pressure, following trends, call it what you will, but Instagram does encourage people to behave in a certain way.
Haven’t changed
Back in the day, a birthday celebration was exactly this: samosa, cake, wafer and chocolate. Now, it’s the more outrageous the better.
This applies to all social media interactions. The plus point here is that we are able to keep in touch with a lot more people now than before the advent of social media.
..Who are on Instagram, but not really there.
There is a lot of difference in fuel prices – then and now. Just like before and after Instagram.
They create dreadful concoctions like Maggi milkshake – just for likes and shares.
Versus virtual games
Not just celebrities, the road to fame for a lot of people goes via Instagram. It has catapulted many to fame; even letting them earn their living off the social media platform.
We've seen some really strange Instagram trends over the years. Who had ever heard of food porn before!
Well parents certainly seem to think Instagram is a waste of time.
Perhaps – unpaid employment for sure!
Remember those days --- when 1 GB data would last an entire month? Well that was before Instagram. After Instagram, posting countless photos and updates meant we needed more data, and internet speeds faster than ever before.
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