Bill and Melinda Gates Are Splitting Up & Everyone Wonders Why

They seemed rock-solid – a 27-year long union, a journey of technological advancements, philanthropy, partnerships with world leaders and wealth beyond most imaginations. But now, Bill and Melinda Gates have decided to part ways. Apparently, it is amicable and the two will continue to work together on their various projects. However the question begs to be asked: how does a marriage ‘irretrievably’ break after 27 years – especially when there is a fortune of $145 billion involved?

Basically this

The creator of Microsoft and one of the richest people in the world Bill Gates has clearly run into a problem of very large proportions. And maybe Melinda was tired of rebooting the system, quipped someone else.

The uber rich divorce club

The divorces of Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk before this had also involved obscene amounts of money.

Next is what

There seems to be a pattern of sorts among the richest men in the world.

Especially him

Jeff Bezos holds the record for undergoing the most expensive divorce ever – in the region of 60 or 70 billion dollars.

The memes

And the memes with the puns.

Some are just sad

In a world where celeb divorces are very common, this 27 year union seemed to give a lot of people reassurance

What was the last straw?

What is that one thing that simply cannot be tolerated – and it takes 27 years to realise, asked this Twitter user.

Some suggested this:

Maybe that last straw was a problem that was already there right from the beginning?

Or this?

People had a lot of ideas – like this one.

Maybe there is no acrimony

This could also be the case – where after many years, couples just find that they’ve grown apart and no longer want the same things in life. It then makes sense to go one's separate ways than to live together because of the expectations of other people.

Sometimes it seems utterly trivial

One woman ended her marriage over a cupcake – where the cupcake is evidently a stand-in for utter disregard and thoughtlessness (remember Thappad?) in the relationship.

Why now?

Some wondered why the Gates decided to make their announcement now when the world is reeling from a pandemic and there’s so much work to be done.

Money is no guarantee...

...Of happiness or loyalty.

Like the old Beatles song…

Can’t buy me love. Maybe the guy is being philosophical – or he’s just feeling smug that he has a happy relationship but one of the richest couples in the world, Bill and Melinda Gates, don’t seem to have one.

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