Car With A Swimming Pool, Waterbed, Helipad – How Could That Possibly Work?

There is a new Guinness World record – for the longest car in the world. This longest car has a swimming pool, a golf putting green and, wait for it… a helipad. It is a super limousine that is over a hundred feet long, with 26 wheels. It breaks the previous record of the longest car by about 40 ft.

Longest car

The extended super limo is 100 ft. long and has a front and rear engine. It has all sorts of amenities such as a water bed,  bathtub, Jacuzzi, and the swimming pool even has a diving board (that one really puzzled me).

The American Dream

The car is mounted with a helipad that can support up to 5,000 lbs. The car also has several TVs, phone and fridge of course.

Driven from either end

According to the Guinness website, the car can fit over 75 people. Since it has two engines at either end, it can be operated from either end. Oh good! Imagine having to reverse this beast!


There is a lot of interest around this car on social media. It would be interesting to take a ride in a car like this for sure.

This troublesome thought

There is a hinge in the centre for turning, but I've seen trucks and container vehicles struggle to make a turn on Indian roads – this would be an absolute nightmare! And what about speed breakers – the thought of something like this getting stuck…

OK but what use is it?

In the end, this is a car that will make headlines for its novelty value and for the fact that it broke a record. It is difficult to see how it will be of any use beyond that. I cannot imagine anyone commuting to work each day with it. Taking it for a holiday also sounds rather inconvenient. Sounds to me that this one is just going to sit and gather dust now. Right now I'm just thinking about this – where and how are they going to park this enormous beast of a car. What if it rains? How does one make a garage that big? To my mind, this is a white elephant that I wouldn’t accept if I got it as a gift tied with a giant satin bow.  

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