Delhi Reduced the Legal Drinking Age to 21 and the Tweeple Were Delighted

I've always thought that the legal drinking age of 25 years in some Indian states was silly and unreasonable. If one is seen to be responsible enough to vote at 18 and marry at 18 or 21, why should they have to wait till 25 to have an alcoholic beverage? So when Delhi reduced the legal drinking age from 25 to 21, many rejoiced.

The Restaurant Association is elated

The aim of the Delhi government is to generate revenue since liquor is one of the few ways for states to earn directly. Apart from lowering the legal drinking age, there are other reforms that have been welcomed.

It makes sense

As the old sage of Indian journalism says, this is a welcome change. Plus selling liquor is not the job of the government. Perhaps now we will have some attractive looking liquor shops instead of the dreary license shops we generally see.

Legal drinking age in Indian states

A majority of Indian states have 21 as the legal drinking age while it is 18 in some states, 23 in Kerala and 25 in a few.

Here we come!

Those between the ages of 21 and 25 are happy about the changes.


Some are really happy about the changes made by the Delhi government.

Party time!

Some criticised the changes made at a time when the pandemic is still very much around. They felt that the change will encourage irresponsible socialising; with more people getting together in close spaces without social distancing.

That’s me!

Some of those born in 2020 made this realisation.

Why not us?

Those below 21 may be wondering why the legal drinking age wasn’t lowered to 18?

Or lower?

There are those who, out of curiosity or just for the thrill factor start drinking early in life – whatever the legal age of drinking may be.

No difference

This may now make any difference to some – either because they were drinking illegally before age 25 or because they are over 25.

Not fair!

Those who just turned 25 feel that the change should have been made earlier.


Young people in Gujarat and Bihar still have to live with the antiquated notion of prohibition.

Feels bad!

They aren't even part of the discussion.

Progressive step

This step is seen as a progressive one because it reposes faith in adults. It is a signal that adults should have the choice to make their own decisions rather than a paternalistic state.

Possible scenario

...In bars and alcohol shops.

New rules

People are wondering about implementation of the new rules.  

Serious emotions

Happy or sad – there are some serious emotions involved in the issue of the Delhi government lowering the legal age of drinking from 25 to 21.

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