These are difficult times for students. Last year, some students were required to do exams in person after a year of online classes. On the other hand, some students didn’t have to do their board exams at all because it was not possible to conduct those exams offline. Many students have been campaigning for schools and colleges to open. Delhi University has announced colleges resuming offline classes, but not all students are happy.
Some students’ bodies have been agitating to get the authorities to reopen college and to get students back on campus.
Students living out of town, living along with immunocompromised or older people have their issues regarding the reopening.
Starting college is difficult even otherwise – doing so after two years of online classes would be even more so.
I myself am a vocal proponent of classes in person because I believe that being in school and college has merit far beyond the merely academic.
Online classes teach kids nothing other than academics; no actual life skills.
For many students, online classes are an excuse to go back to sleep or while away time doing whatever else it is they want to do – anything other than actual studying that is.
The authorities have given very short notice to the students - this is a particular problem for students that don’t live in Delhi.
There are a lot of people who are happy with online education but a lot of students just want to get back to class.
However, I'm not sure the authorities have gone about making this decision for the right reasons.
The timing could have been better.
Students feel that the decision is taken in haste; based on pressure from politically backed students’ bodies.
This does not appear to be a considered and well thought-out decision feel a lot of the students.
Some students have started a counter petition to keep classes on online mode and to give students more time.
#DelhiUniversity has been trending for many reasons and there are good arguments on both sides. Perhaps hybrid teaching is the solution – where students who want to can attend class can do so; which can simultaneously be made available online for students to attend remotely?
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