Donald Trump Is #Impeached but He Is Still President – Here’s Why

Donald Trump spoke to the President of Ukraine on the phone and asked him to dig up dirt on Joe Biden, a political opponent. According to Trump, this was him trying to weed out corruption in the system. His opponents have a different view. The Democrats say that this was a quid pro quo situation where the President was withholding hundreds of millions in military aid to a nation in dire need, in exchange for incriminating information. The US House of Representatives has impeached Donald Trump on twin charges of abuse of power and obstructing Congress.

The charge

Congressman Andre Carson explained the charge of abuse of power using legos.

Nancy Pelosi's announcement

"Article One is Adopted,” said House Speaker Nancy Pelosi while gesturing for those present not to applaud at such a serious occasion.

The Democrats are very happy

Supporters of Hilary Clinton, former Preside Barack Obama, and former Vice President and a possible contender for the post of POTUS in future, Joe Biden are pleased, to say the least.


Pelosi, who was seen to initiate the impeachment proceedings and her conduct right through the process haver attracted admiration. Right now, she is seen as something of a rock star.


There have been demonstrations and rallies all over the USA; with many coming out in the winter cold to ask that their leader be held accountable for his actions.

Christmas gift

Those against Trump feel that they have been given an early Christmas gift.

Trump's many sins

Over the years, Trump has shown himself to be corrupt (having misused funds from his own charities and paid hush money to a porn star) racist, a misogynist and a sexual predator.

Russian collusion

This is another accusation leveled at Donald Trump. However, Republican supporters have always found ways to explain it all away.

Strange coincidence

Trump’s anti-immigrant stance is well known. Some thought that the date of impeachment was strangely fitting.

Republicans vs Democrats

The Democrats are happy today. Many Republicans believe that the impeachment process has been a witch hunt and that a grave injustice has been done.

Many were waiting with bated breath

Americans who have watched in amazement that such a person was voted to their highest office, have waited a long time for this moment to arrive.

Peach jokes

There is quite a celebratory air among Democrats today.

For some reason they feature peaches.

Lots of peaches


Some thought this one was appropriate for the occasion.


This hashtag has also been trending – Trump having made the phrase his own with the reality TV show The Apprentice.

At a Trump rally

Somehow someone sneaked into a Trump rally with a banner that said Don the Con You're Fired. Said another tweet about this incident: not all heroes wear capes.

Hello Donald

Good Bye Donald.

Not so fast

Right now, only the House of Representatives has voted on the articles of impeachment. This required a simple majority to get passed. This has happened.

Senate trial

Now a senate trial will begin, which will be followed by another vote. The Senate then has to vote to convict (67%) before Trump can be removed.

Mike Pence

If Donald Trump is removed from office, Mike Pence will become the President of the United States.

Some believe this will be worse. So will Donald Trump get removed from the Presidency? The world is watching keenly.

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