Don’t Know How Vaccines Work? This Family Guy Video Will Help

To the vaccine nay-sayers, let me say, yes people get infected even after vaccinations, in very rare cases, there are adverse reactions. However, vaccines do in fact stop people from getting serious infections and dying from their illnesses. Vaccines may not be perfect but they are our best defence against the global COVID 19 pandemic. This is just the literal, irrefutable truth and I urge all our readers to go get the jab if they haven’t already. This video explains how the vaccine works and gently disabuses people of misconceptions:


Family Man is an animated American sitcom for adults featuring the rather offbeat Griffin family. There is bumbling Peter, smart dog Brian, little Stewie who is the evil genius infant. The series frequently mocks American culture and in this video, uses simple explanations to persuade recalcitrant anti-vaxxers or just people with doubts to get the jab.

Alas many need persuading

There are, unfortunately the anti-maskers and significant numbers of anti-vaxxers now who see conspiracy theories everywhere. They feel that they are being misled by people looking to profit off them and prefer to use ‘natural’ but wholly ineffectual remedies.

Some went a step further

Since vaccine antagonists not only endanger themselves but also everyone around, some people are really angry with them.

Some were not impressed

They didn’t think that a cartoon video was going to persuade anyone, one way or another. They see videos such as these as propaganda rather than public service announcements.

Right now this conversation is also ongoing

In the state of Texas, the courts have struck down Roe v Wade, to essentially outlaw abortion. However many of the so-called pro-life people who are against the bodily autonomy of women, choose not to take the vaccine and actually endanger the existing lives around them.

Good point

Someone pointed out that this is what the ‘world’ looks like to an American – pointing out how insular and ignorant some Americans can be.

Thanks, said the tweeple

There are millions who have lost loved ones to COVID all over the world and much of the problem lies at the door of people who don’t take the virus seriously and ignore medical facts. The tweeple hope that a brainy infant will get through to them if not anything else.


Some of the tweeple pointed out that it is rather sad how it takes popular cartoon characters to convince people of something that really should be a no-brainer. Well, if the Family Guy can persuade the antivaxers and covidiots, good for him! Anything that knocks some sense into them makes us all safer.

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