Google ‘Idiot’, Get Donald Trump – Sundar Pichai Explains Why

He may fancy himself as some sort of 'stable genius' (his own words), but the fact is that Donald Trump is not the brightest crayon in the box. Trump has demonstrated this consistently and repeatedly. He makes basic spelling errors, has difficulty reading unfamiliar words and names (and he is unfamiliar with a lot), contradicts himself, is inconsistent, quick to take offence – in fact he is very much like the overgrown baby that he is frequently accused of being. Is he – or anyone else – really surprised that his photos come up when someone Googles ‘Idiot’.

The congressional hearing

Google CEO Sundar Pichai was before the American Congress to answer questions about privacy and data collection. He answered questions about a range of issues, including the charge that Google censors conservative views. It is clear to see that in a room full of non-tech people, Pichai has his work cut out for him trying to answer questions in ways that would be understood.

There was this question as well

Rep. Zoe Lofgren had this question to ask Sundar Pichai. Pichai tried to explain to Congress that Google search algorithms take into account hundreds of factors such as popularity, relevance, freshness to compile results generated by users themselves. Something similar had happened in the mid-2000s as well, when typing in “miserable failure” into the search box showed up images of then-President George W. Bush.

Twitter tested the theory

They Googled ‘idiot’ and these were the results that showed up. Tested and confirmed.


On Twitter, the #IdiotInChief hashtag became popular. Many explained why Donald Trump is in fact, intellectually challenged. This tweet for instance talks about how Trump said that he would make Mexico pay for the wall – his biggest campaign promise.


A great number of the Tweeple thought that the Google results were really, really funny. One said ‘Thanks for the laughs Google.”

Obvious reasons

So why do Trump’s pictures come up as a result for the search term ‘idiot’? most thought that the reasons were quite obvious.

It is in fact laughable

Trump frequently compliments himself as being smart and savvy and popular and talented; and promptly proves this to be untrue by his own actions and words. He either cannot tolerate the people he hires or they cannot seem to tolerate him.

Even his own lawyer says this…

Trump frequently contradicts himself and even implicates himself by his own words. His lawyers have flipped on him repeatedly. Rudy Giuliani, his latest lawyer in the ongoing investigation (into the charge that he colluded with the Russians to manipulate American election results), had this to say. Not too bright, most would agree.

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